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How the Ombuds Can Help

There may be certain matters you wish to explore “off the record” or need information or informal advice. Perhaps you are facing problems for which formal channels need to be invoked, but you are not sure how they work or what are the implications of using them. Or, there may be issues which, despite your best efforts, have not been satisfactorily addressed or resolved. The ombuds helps by:


The ombuds actively seeks to understand your concerns.

Analyzing the problem

The ombuds will assist you in identifying and clarifying your issues and interests.

Providing relevant information

The ombuds is an information resource who can help you find answers to your questions.

Explaining university policies and procedures

The ombuds will help you find and understand polices and procedures related to your concerns.

Facilitating dialogue

The ombuds can help you, your colleagues, chairs, or deans to find ways to communicate more effectively and work collaboratively.

Exploring options

The ombuds helps parties identify new options and solutions that address their interests.

Mediating disputes

The ombuds arranges for a third party mediator to help parties desiring to resolve a conflict through the mediation process.

Recommending change

The ombuds makes recommendations to the appropriate bodies for changes in university policy or procedures to ensure clarity, fairness, and justice.