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ASBSU Updates

ASBSU Past Updates


Funding Board

The ASBSU Funding Board has been busy receiving and approving applications for grant funding for clubs and organizations as well as individual grants. This year the Funding Board has already approved 36 direct grants totaling $88,285.85, 4 joint grants totaling $17,248.40, and 17 individual grants totaling $6,649.00. All clubs and organizations are encouraged to apply to receive up to $4000 in grant funding for direct grants and up to $6000 for joint club grants. All individuals are eligible to apply for up to $400 grants. For more information and how to apply to receive grants please click HERE.


Student Activity Fee Advisory Board (SAFAB)

SAFAB is a board made up of students and faculty that reviews requests and makes recommendations to use student activity fee dollars. While the annual review typically takes place in January and February, reserve requests can occur anytime throughout the year. This year SAFAB has reviewed and recommended the approval of two proposals by the Office of the Dean of Students. Both recommendations were approved by both the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and the President’s Office. The two proposals were to fund a new case manager position in the Office of the Dean of Students to assist with student outreach and to fund a pilot program for insecure housing students.


Thanksgiving Meal Kits

The ASBSU Campus Food Pantry Committee introduced a bill to fund 200 meal kits for students and staff to celebrate Thanksgiving despite being financially insecure. This will ensure that no matter a student’s financial situation, they can still celebrate the national holiday. The bill passed both the General Assembly and Academic Senate.


9/11 Flag Memorial

To memorialize the 2977 lives lost as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001, ASBSU approved a bill through the General Assembly and Academic Senate to purchase one flag for every innocent life lost. The flags were planted in the center of the quad to pay remembrance to a day our nation must never forget. This marks the University’s first official memorial for 9/11 and is set to be a new campus tradition.


Idaho Legislative District 18 Debate

On November 1st, ASBSU hosted a debate on campus between the Republican and Democratic candidates for Idaho Legislative District 18’s Senate seat and both House of Representative seats. Students were invited to ask questions to the candidates. All eligible students are encouraged to vote on November 8th at their polling location between 8 AM and 8 PM.


Constitutional Convention

The ASBSU General Assembly and Academic Senate voted in favor of a resolution calling for a Constitutional Convention. There have been two meetings of the Convention Committee thus far, and there are expected to be further meetings throughout the end of the first semester and the beginning of the second semester. Stay tuned for more information regarding this process.