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Dr. A K M Nuhil Mehdy

A K M Nuhil Mehdy

LinkedIn Profile


Graduated in 2021 with an emphasis in Cybersecurity
B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
M.S. Computer Science

Post-graduation employment: Machine Learning Engineer at Micron in Boise, ID


I have started my Ph.D. journey here at Boise State University from Spring ’18 and currently enrolled in the Computing program under Cybersecurity emphasis. Earlier, I completed my B.Sc. Eng. degree in Computer Science back in 2011 from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh and M.S. in Computer Science in 2017 from Lamar University, USA. My research interests include Privacy and Security, related to modern Web Users, Industrial Control Systems, Internet of Things, and Distributed Systems. My current research work focuses on utilizing Deep Learning-based approaches along with Formal Verification to solve User-centric Privacy Disclosure problems on top of Big Data. Moreover, I am interested in Machine Learning techniques to implement them in different problem domains such as Privacy Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Intrusion and Anomaly Detection, Threat Prediction, etc.