Adjunct Faculty 
Non Verbal Communication
Tom Lobaugh has been teaching classes on listening, interpersonal communication, hospitality, and ethics at Boise State since 2013. He received his bachelor’s degree from Whitworth University, a master’s degree from Princeton Seminary, and doctoral degree from Columbia Seminary, and is currently in a PH.D. program for psychology and performance.
Tom’s research interests are in the transformative power of listening, the role humor plays in enhancing athletic performance, and the motivations and practices of cultural-religious hospitality. He is the author of Broken Hearts, Open Doors: The Art of Welcoming Others, and the founder of the company Inspire Excellence.
Tom enjoys spending time with Kathy and their children and grandchildren.
Contact Information
Email: (Preferred contact method)
Phone: (208) 426-3320
Office: COMB 217
Office Hours: By appointment