Jenni Gudapati
A Process Map for Promoting Successful Industry Academic Partnerships for Curriculum Development: Integration of Multiple Streams Framework and Stakeholder Theory
There is a widening gap between traditional higher education and the needs of the industry workforce. Higher education has lately been criticized for having too few voices playing a role in most curricula development, with the voices being used consisting largely of career academics (Nature Editorial, 2023). Both industry and academia have found a disconnect between academic training and preparedness to enter the labor market (Jackson et al., 2016). Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) and Stakeholder Theory (ST) have been offered as potential frameworks for guiding elements of policy or strategy development and implementation in this context. In my research I present and analyze, through autoethnographic account, how effective integration of MSF and ST can provide a policy process map for developing academic programs that leads to successfully addressing the gap between industry needs and curriculum development. This analysis proposes four themes that emerged to maximize success for this process. The findings of this dissertation suggest that for industry-partnered higher education program design, integration of Stakeholder Theory with the Multiple Streams Framework presents a comprehensive, practical, and interdisciplinary process map for ensuring success.