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2022 Graduate Student Showcase Awards

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The 2022 Graduate Student Showcase awards were presented at the Graduate College Awards Ceremony on April 14, 2022. Below is the list of the awards presented and award winners.

Awards List

Three Minute Thesis (3MT)

Boise State Finals

1st: Dalton Miller—Chemistry, M.S. (Dr. Ken Cornell)—$750

2nd: Jessica Bernardin—Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, Ph.D. (Dr. Leonora Bittleston)—$500

3rd: Jacob Manzi—Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. (Dr. Harish Subbaraman)—$250

Audience Choice: Rebecca Miller—Material Science and Engineering, Ph.D. (Dr. Scott Phillips)—$250

Idaho Statewide Finals

2nd Place: Jacob Manzi—Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. (Dr. Harish Subbaraman)—$750

Western Association of Graduate Schools

1st place: Dalton Miller—Chemistry, M.S. (Dr. Ken Cornell)—$500

Graduate Mentoring Awards

Graduate College Excellence in Graduate Mentoring

Two Award Winners — $1,000

Dr. Lisa Giacumo — Department of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning

Dr. Ellyn Enderlin — Department of Geosciences

Two Honorable Mentions

Dr. Luke Montrose — Department of Public Health and Population Science

Dr. Benjamin Johnson — Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Graduate College Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring Awards

Two Award Winners — $250 each

Jacob Heil — Ph.D. Student in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior — Dr. Leonora Bittleston

Kate Benfield — Ph.D. Student in Biomedical Engineering — Dr. Trevor Lujan

College of Arts and Sciences (COAS)

Top Honor

One Award — $250

Jukes Liu: Geophysics, Ph.D. — Dr. Ellyn Enderlin

Graduate College Scholar — Dean's Award

Six Award Winners — $150 each

Conner Patricelli: Biomolecular Sciences, Ph.D.—Dr. Julia Oxford & Dr. Shin Pu

Dena Duran: Biomolecular Sciences, M.S. — Dr. Cheryl Jorcyk

Gregory Shafer: Geophysics, Ph.D. — Dr. Karen Viskupic

Karina Zikan: Geophysics, Ph.D. — Dr. Ellyn Enderlin

Riley Mungo: Chemistry, M.S. — Kathleen Mukengezi & Dr. Matthew King

Terrell Engmann: Biomolecular Sciences, Ph.D. — Dr. Cheryl Jorcyk & Dr. Lisa Warner

College of Business and Economics (COBE)

Top Honor

One Award Winner — $250

Thomas Lazarte: Economics, M.S. — Dr. Samia Islam

College of Education (COED)

Top Honor

One Award Winner — $250

Anna Doud: Counseling, M.A. — Dr. Laura Gallo & Dr. Aida Midgett

Graduate College Scholar — Dean's Award

One Award Winner — $150

Cherrynn Kast Black: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed.D. — Dr. Jennifer Snow & Dr. Katherine Wright

College of Engineering (COEN)

Top Honor

One Award Winner — $250

Amevi Semodji: Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. — Dr. Trevor Lujan

Graduate College Scholar — Dean's Award

Three Award Winners — $150 each

Danielle Siegel: Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. — Dr. Erin Mannen

Jacob Manzi: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. — Dr. Harish Subbaraman

Rebecca Miller: Materials Science and Engineering, Ph.D. — Dr. Scott Phillips

College of Health Sciences (COHS)

Top Honor

One Award Winner — $250

Jacqueline Buval: Nursing Practice, D.N.P. — Dr. Teresa Serratt & Dr. Leslie Falk

Graduate College Scholar — Dean's Award

10 Award Winners — $150 each

Annica Balentine: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Sarah Toevs & Dr. Michael Mann

David Kruger: Nursing Practice, D.N.P. — Dr. Sara Ahten & Dr. Andrea Lambe

Edwina Wallen: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Ellen Shafer & Dr. Michael Mann

Hanna Scheuffele: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Sarah Toevs, Dr. Jayne Josephsen, Dr. Melody Weaver & Dr. Michael Mann

Kade Wagers: Kinesiology, M.S. — Dr. Shelley Lucas & Dr. Tyler Brown

Kara Marshall: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Michael Mann

Linda Gould: Nursing Practice, D.N.P. — Dr. Pamela Gehrke & Dr. Ron Ordona

Neva Fuentes: Nursing Practice, D.N.P. —Dr. Cara Gallegos & Dr. Pamela Strohfus

Piper Traywick: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Kirk Ketelsen & Dr. Michael Mann

Shannon McDowell: Public Health, M.S. — Dr. Michael Mann

Presidential Scholar Awards

Poster Presentation Award

One Award Winner — $350

Michael Okebiorun:Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. — Dr. Jim Browning

Performance and Visual Arts Award

One Award Winner — $350

John BybeeVisual Arts, MFA — Lily Lee