Audrey Parker
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Micron School of Materials Science & Engineering
Audrey grew up in Boise and hails from a long line of Boise State graduates, so it was only natural for her to become a Bronco after graduating from Centennial High School in 2018. She is pursuing a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering with a minor in Physics and Applied Mathematics. Audrey started working in the SSL the summer of 2019, following her freshman year. During her first few months in the lab she gained experience on the Bruker Dimension 3100 SPM and the Bruker Dimension Icon FastScan Bio, learning tapping mode and non-contact AFM techniques. Interested in both the nanoscale properties and real-world applications of materials, Audrey is excited to continue working in the Surface Science Lab throughout her time at Boise State. In particular, Audrey is passionate about “green” materials, including recyclables and renewable energy. As a result, she also works in Scott Phillips’ group and serves as the SSL liaison to the group. Additionally, she is involved in a collaborative project with Idaho National Lab measuring the nanomechanical properties of potential biofuel feedstocks currently under evaluation.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
A. C. Parker, O. O. Maryon, M. T. Kaffash, M. B. Jungfleisch, and P. H. Davis, “Optimizing Magnetic Force Microscopy Resolution and Sensitivity to Visualize Nanoscale Magnetic Domains” JoVE 185: e64180 (2022).