Dominic Wayda
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science
Dominic Wayda joined the Nanoscale Materials and Device group during the summer of 2011. Currently, he is working on obtaining his B.S in Computer Science, with a Minor in Electrical Engineering. He started working with the Nanophotonics team, in order to lend a hand in designing Programs for interacting with the various instruments used. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing for sport fish in Idaho’s various waters.
Instruments and Techniques
- Machine Shop.
- Labview programming.
- Java Programming.
- MatLab &Â MathCad.
- WinVIEW/32 & WinSPEC/32 Imaging.
- Most PC & Mac based Software.
- Most Video and Image editing Softwares.
- Linux Environment.
- C/C++ programming.
- Some VisualBasic.
- Agilent 81204B & 86100B Oscilloscopes
- Coherent Mantis Source
- Coherent SDG Controller
- Coherent Legend Elite
- SHBC Light Conversion with TOPAS (pico-second)
- Coherent OPerA Solo Branch (femto-second)
- Stanford Research Systems Lock-In Amplifier
- Aerotech Ensemble Controller
- Aerotech ALS20030 Electromagnetic Translation Stage
- LabMAX Power Meter
- ProEM Darklight Camera
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
None at this time.
Conference Publications
None at this time.
Conference Presentations and Posters
None at this time.