Nick Luong
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ngoc (Nick) Luong recently joined the Nanoscale Materials and Device Group in the Spring of 2011. He is currently working on a BS in Electrical Engineering. He started working with the Nanophotonics team. He is currently writing the programs to control the instruments in the laser lab.
Instruments and Techniques
- Wire bonder
- Stanford Research System Lock-in Amplifier
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer
- Mantis
- Coherent Legend Elite Amplifier
- Coherent OperA Solo
- Light Conversion TOPAS
Programming & Software Experience
- Labview Programming
- Java Programming
- LTSpice and Matlab
- Most PC-based software
- Video and Image editing softwares
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Ngoc Luong**, Cheng-Wen Cheng*, Min-Hsiung Shih, and Wan Kuang, Phase matching for surface plasmon enhanced second harmonic generation in a gold grating slab, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 181107 (2012)
Conference Presentations and Posters
Ngoc Luong**, Bernard Yurke, William B. Knowlton, Elton Graugnard, Jeunghoon Lee, William L. Hughes, Wan Kuang, High sensitivity spectroscopic measurement of optical rotatory dispersion, poster presentation at the American Chemical Society Northwest Regional Meeting (ACS NORM) 2012 (Boise, Idaho; June 24-27, 2012).