Pammy Walker
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Pamela joined the Nanoscale Materials and Device Group at Boise State University at the end of her sophomore year as an undergraduate student in Materials Science and Engineering in the summer of 2009. She is also working toward a minor in Biomedical Engineering and is an active member of the Honors College.
Currently, Pamela is working on NiMnGa in collaboration with Dr. Mullner’s research lab. Her work as Project Lead involves fabrication and characterization of nanoscale structures. Pamela regularly uses scanning electron microscopy, electron beam lithography, photolithography, physical vapor deposition, and atomic force microscopy.
Pamela is also working on a collaboration with Northwest Nazarene University characterizing ZnO thin films and sol gel powders. As the Project Lead, she uses SEM, EDS, and AFM among other techniques to characterize the films.
Instruments and Techniques
- Leo 1430 VP Scanning Electron Microscope
- Electron Beam Lithography
- Nanometer Pattern Generation System (NPGS)
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
- Imaging
- Hitachi Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
- High resolution imaging
- Veeco Digital Instruments Dimension 3100 Atomic Force Microscope
- Performed Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Quintel Q-4000 Contact Aligner
- Headway Research Inc. PWM 32-PS-R 790 Spin Coater
- Nanometrics 212 Thin Film Systems 7200-1453 REV1 Nanospectrometer
- SCP Global Wet Sink
- Wafer processing
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
None at this time.
Conference Publications
None at this time.
Conference Presentations and Posters
- Lytia A. Smith**, Jerry D. Harris, Theron Fereda**, Alex Punnoose,
Aaron Thurber, William B. Knowlton, Boone Beausoleil**, Pamela
Walker**, and Brian J. Frost, Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt
doped ZnO, poster presentation at the 241st ACS National Meeting &
Exposition (Anaheim, California, USA March 27-31, 2011). - Jerry D. Harris, Joanna R. Walker**, Amanda R. Snyder**, Chad E.
Larson**, Aaron Thurber, Pamela Walker**, William B. Knowlton, Alex
Punnoose, and Brian J. Frost, Modification of ZnO Crystal Morphology
by the Addition of Amines, poster presentation at the 241st ACS
National Meeting & Exposition (Anaheim, California, USA March 27-31,
2011). - L.A. Smith**, J.D. Harris, T.R. Fereday**, A. Punnoose, A. Thurber, W.B. Knowlton, B. Beausoleil**, P. Walker**, and B.J. Frost, Synthesis and characterization of cobalt doped ZnO, poster presentation at the 19th Regional Conference on Undergraduate Research of the Murdock College Science Research Program (McMinnville, OR, November 12-13, 2010).
- Amanda R. Snyder, Lytia A. Smith, Theron R. Fereday, Jerry D. Harris, Aaron Thurber, Jason Brotherton, Pamela Walker, William B. Knowlton, and Alex Punnoose, Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Sol-gel Powders, poster presentation at the Spring 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (San Francisco, California, March 21 – 25, 2010).
- William B. Knowlton, Hieu Bui, Craig Onodera, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, Elton Graugnard, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Chris Buu, Stephanie Barnes, Amber Cox, Davis Daniel, Mallory Yates, Pammy Walker, Jonathan Henderson, Chad Watson, Jason Brotherton, DNA Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Device Applications, Invited Tutorial – International Integrated Reliability Workshop (Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, Oct. 18, 2009).
- William B. Knowlton, Hieu Bui, Craig Onodero, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, Elton Graugnard, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Chris Buu, Stephanie Barnes, Amber Cox, Davis Daniel, Mallory Yates, Pammy Walker, Jonathan Henderson, Chad Watson, Jason Brotherton, DNA Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Device Applications, Invited Tutorial – International Integrated Reliability Workshop (Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, Oct. 18, 2009).