Stephanie Barnes
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Stephanie has been involved in undergraduate research as part of the Nanoscale Materials and Device (NMD) group since May of 2008. As a member of the NMD group, Stephanie has been involved with two primary projects, both dealing with the fabrication of nanoscale devices that integrate circuit design with biological elements. The main goal of one project is to position a DNA nanotube across two electrodes to form a simple circuit. The difficulty of this task lies in the small size of DNA nanotubes. Unlike traditional circuit elements which can be positioned by hand or machine, nanotubes must be placed by indirect means. The group is investigating two means for nanotube placement-manipulation by electric field using dielectrophoresis and manipulation by surface chemistry.
More recently, Stephanie has become involved with a project which aims to create a switchable optical waveguide from fluorophores positioned on a substrate fabricated from DNA. This waveguide represents a nanoscale photonic wire in which energy is transferred down a line of fluorophores using Fluroescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET).
Stephanie will be graduating in May 2011 with a B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering. Stephanie shall be continuing her education in graduate school, where Stephanie will be working towards a PhD in Bioengineering.
Instruments and Techniques
- Leo 1430 VP SEM
- Veeco Digital Instruments Dimension 3100 AFM
- Electron-beam lithography
- Photolithography
- Wafer processing
- Image analysis
- Chemical/equipment ordering
- Hazardous chemical handling
- Physical vapor deposition
- Spectrofluorometry
- Origin Graphical, Statistical & Analytical Software
- Nanometer Pattern Generation System and DesignCAD
- Wolfram Mathematica Mathematical Software
- Nanoscope Image Analysis Software
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Strand Invasion for Switchable Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (in preparation)
Conference Publications
None at this time.
Conference Presentations and Posters
- S. Barnes, C. Buu, J. Brotherton, H. Bui, A. Johnson, M. Yates, E. Graugnard, W. Kuang, J. Lee, W. L. Hughes, W. B. Knowlton, B. Yurke, Radial Dielectrophoretic Trap for Trapping Microparticles, accepted for oral and poster presentation at the 2010 Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO) – Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices (Snowbird, Utah; April 27-30, 2010)
- Stephanie Barnes, Christopher Buu, Jason Brotherton, Hieu Bui, Austin Johnson, Mallory Yates, Elton Graugnard1, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, William Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, Towards A Radial Dielectrophoretic Trap for Nanostructures, poster presentation at the 2010 IEEE Workshop on Microelectronic Devices (Boise, ID; April 16, 2010)
- William B. Knowlton, Hieu Bui, Craig Onodera, Bernard Yurke, WilliamL. Hughes, Elton Graugnard, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Chris Buu, Stephanie Barnes, Amber Cox, Davis Daniel, Mallory Yates, Pammy Walker, Jonathan Henderson, Chad Watson, Jason Brotherton, DNA Self-Assembled Nanostructures for Device Applications, Invited Tutorial – International Integrated Reliability Workshop (Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, Oct. 18, 2009).
- Stephanie Barnes, Christopher Buu, Jason Brotherton, Hieu Bui, Austin Johnson, Mallory Yates, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, William L. Hughes, William Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, Radial Dielectrophoretic Trap For Future Manipulation Of Individual DNA Origami Nanostrutures, accepted for oral and paper presentation at the Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security Conference, (9/28-10/3/2009, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; September 28 – October 3, 2009)
- Stephanie Barnes, Christopher Buu, Jason Brotherton, Hieu Bui, Austin Johnson, Mallory Yates, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, William Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, and William L. Hughes, A Radial Dielectrophoretic Trap for Individual Nanostructures, poster presentation at the 8th Annual INBRE Research Conference (Pocatello, ID; August 3-5, 2009). [2nd Place Faculty Choice Undergraduate Poster Award]
- Stephanie Barnes, Hieu Bui, William L. Hughes, Bernard Yurke, William B. Knowlton, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Elton Graugnard, DNA Strand Invasion as an Optical Switch in Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Transmission Lines, accepted for poster presentation at the 2011 Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO) – Track on Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures (Snowbird, Utah; April 11-15, 2011)