Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
The Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystems Unit is the largest of the 17 CESUs in the United States. Like the Great Basin CESU, our other CESU partner, the RM-CESU is a partnership of federal agencies and research institutions that brings together the region’s best scientific talent and scholarship to help manage resource problems across social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental arenas.
The RM-CESU works to aid in the development and transmission of knowledge to land managers, political and industry leaders, and others who need such information. The RM-CESU conducts research, education, and technical assistance on both agency specific issues and on issues concerning areas of mixed ownership, and can identify and manage activities that involve more than two partners. Federal agency funds are obligated through task agreements. Funding opportunities can be found on the RM-CESU webpage, above. Please note: Boise State University researchers can now pursue agreements through both the Rocky Mountain and Great Basin CESU partnerships.
Lead Institution: University of Montana (
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Boise State Contact
Bob Reinhardt
Associate Professor