What is Beta Alpha Psi?

Beta Alpha Psi is an international scholastic organization that promotes professional excellence in the field of accounting. The primary objective is to provide an enhanced university experience through personal and professional development, while consistently encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility. Participation in this organization results in the development of future contacts through networking opportunities among members and practicing accounting professionals.
We have a full schedule of great events. See the event schedule.
Gone Platinum!
“We are incredibly honored to be awarded the Platinum Chapter Award,” said Nick Lloyd, Boise State Beta Alpha Psi president. “This is the most prestigious award given by Beta Alpha Psi national and is given to the “top 10″ chapters amongst the more than 350 internationally. The award is a testament to the hard work of our incredible 2024 officer team consisting of Samina Oumar, Lily Larson, Joseph Amorebieta, Sage Santangelo, Rylee Bray, Davan Gilmore and our faculty advisor, Kathy Hurley.”
What does Beta Alpha Psi do?
Beta Alpha Psi engages in a series of professional meetings and community service projects throughout each semester. In the fall, Beta Alpha Psi and its members typically visit accounting firms in the Boise area and host a “Meet the Firms Night” where members can speak with firm representatives on a one-on-one basis. In the spring, Beta Alpha Psi focuses on specific topic areas such as networking or industry and governmental accounting. It is an opportunity to learn from special guest speakers and panel discussions.
Find the schedule of events here.
Recent service project:
The third Feed the Funnel was on September 20, 2024 — WE MET OUR GOAL raising $40,000 to buy the ingredients and packed 100,000 meals! Thanks to all our donors and volunteers for your help for the food insecure on-campus and in the Treasure Valley.

What are the benefits of Beta Alpha Psi membership?
- Beta Alpha Psi offers its members great networking opportunities. Students have the opportunity to meet potential employers and to develop professional relationships at weekly meetings and at Beta’s annual “Meet the Firms Night.”
- Membership is a great way to meet other accounting students and to get to know the accounting faculty.
- Beta Alpha Psi is both a recognized and respected collegiate organization within the business community. Membership always looks good on a resume!
What are the requirements for membership?
- At minimum, we expect a two-semester commitment from our members.
- Currently enrolled in at least one upper division accounting, finance, or information technology class.
- Attend at least 80% of meetings, (at least 10 meetings) per semester.
- Participate in community service projects; minimum of 6 service hours per semester required.
- All members are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
- For more information or any question, please contact us at bap@boisestate.edu.
There has never been a more important time to educate future business leaders about financial analysis and decision-making. A world-class business building will allow our faculty to take our students to the highest level of financial understanding while attracting the best and the brightest.
- Beta Alpha Psi membership applications are only open during the first three weeks of each semester.
- The introductory meeting is always the first Wednesday of the semester at 6 p.m. Watch your emails for the location, or contact BAP@boisestate.edu.