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Surface & Interface Science

Surface & Interface Science

Surface and interface science stands as a fascinating realm of scientific exploration, delving into the intricate interactions that occur at the boundaries of materials.

Spectroscopy and microscopy techniques serve as indispensable tools, enabling researchers to unravel the intricacies of molecular structures and surface dynamics with unprecedented precision.


The ANML houses a PHI VersaProbe II Scanning XPS Microprobe with 128 channel detector. Scanning x-ray microprobe technology, that provides high performance XPS large area spectroscopy, superior micro-area spectroscopy, chemical imaging, and secondary electron imaging with a raster scanned 10 µm diameter x-ray beam. The information XPS provides about chemical compositions is of great value in basic research as well as in many industrial applications including: nanostructures, thin films, polymer surface modification, catalysis, corrosion, adhesion, semiconductor, dielectric materials and magnetic media.


The ANML manages a Bruker nanoIR3 atomic force microscope awarded through grant from the Murdock Charitable Trust with the Surface Science Laboratory. The Bruker nanoIR3 provides nanoscale chemical, thermal, and optical properties mapping of materials. The Bruker nano-IR3 is situated on a 12” thick concrete slab that is isolated from the main building and designed to meet or exceed Vibration Criterion D (VC-D, 250 µ-inches/second or ~6.35 µm/s), the typical standard for AFM installations. Tight, 24/7 temperature control within the laboratory ensures <2°F/hr drift (i.e., ±1°C), with Class 100,000 HEPA filtration to remove particulates and low laminar airflow (<20 fpm) to minimize air currents and HVAC noise/vibrations. An anteroom enables donning of booties and use of tacky mats to prevent introduction of dust into the lab. Overhead racks for housing power supplies and other associated peripherals (e.g., lock-in amplifier) are situated directly above the area allocated for the 4’ x 8’ floating optical table to combine ease of access with minimization of thermal gradients at table level. All utilities necessary for the AFM-IR system are provided via overhead carriers, including multiple 15 A/120 V duplex electrical outlets, fast Ethernet connections, dry compressed air, and ultra-high purity nitrogen for floating the optical table and purging the system of water vapor. The Bruker nanoIR3 has AFM-IR, s-SNOM, and SThM capabilities.


Confocal Raman spectroscopy, a powerful analytical technique, takes center stage in the exploration of molecular composition and structural details within materials. At the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory (ANML) at Boise State University, our research benefits from state-of-the-art equipment, including the Horiba LabRam HR Evolution Confocal Raman Microscope.


Optical microscopy serves as a cornerstone in the visual exploration of materials, offering a window into the intricate details of structures at the microscopic level. At the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory (ANML) at Boise State University, we employ the Zeiss Axio Imager M2m Materials Microscope with Fluorescence, Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), Phase Contrast, and Polarization capabilities.


Surface energy and wettability play pivotal roles in determining the interactions between materials and their surroundings. The Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory (ANML) at Boise State University employs the cutting-edge Biolin Scientific T200-Auto3 Attension Theta Optical Tensiometer to unravel the intricacies of surface properties.

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Interested users and collaborators may contact Prof. David Estrada to learn about accessing equipment and/or requesting samples.

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