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Student Spotlight: Sarah Seva

Sarah Seva, an Electrical and Computer Engineering doctoral candidate at Boise State, says learning has always been her greatest passion. From a young age, she imagined her future as a scientist. It was challenging for a young woman growing up in Bangladesh with such ambitious goals. Nevertheless, she persisted. And she continues to prove doubters wrong today.

Sarah Seva Profile Image
Sarah Seva, ECE Doctoral Candidate at Boise State

Seva earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Master of Science in Theoretical Physics from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. She journeyed to the US and earned a second Master of Science in Physics, this time from the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth. Now, Seva is preparing to complete her doctoral studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering here at Boise State University. 

Collaborating on a research project with University of Michigan student Benjamin Rorem, Seva has focused her efforts on developing carbon nanotube thin film transistors. “Devices like this have the potential to print plasma in space,” Seva says, “and the unique properties of carbon nanotubes make them attractive for improving the performance of electronic devices.” Seva and her research partner are currently exploring how different printing mechanisms affect device performance.

“Sarah has done an incredible job overcoming adversity” notes Seva’s research advisor Dr. Kurtis Cantley. Cantley stepped in as Seva’s mentor and research advisor when the faculty member supervising (and funding) her research left the University, and Seva, behind. He says “Her positive attitude and strong work ethic have helped her overcome many challenges,” and notes “She’s made outstanding research contributions to the field of printed and flexible electronics.” 

While talking with Seva about the path she chose, she said she wanted to earn her Ph.D. for “little Sarah,” who faced adversity and still pushed forward.  Her story is a lesson for aspiring students everywhere.  Confidence got her started. Hard work carried her forward. Perseverance kept her going. You can do it too.