Due to the potential for inclement weather, there will be no face-to-face classes Friday, February 14 until 11:00 am. Residential student services and essential operations will continue as normal.
The Community and Career Readiness Studies Certificate is earned by students participating in the Providing Exceptional Education and Raising Standards (PEERS) Program. The PEERS Program is an inclusive, two year postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities at Boise State University. Students in the PEERS Program are enrolled in Boise State University coursework, taking PEERS specific courses pass/fail, as well as Boise State University courses for credit or as audit (depending on individual student goals).
Official Certificate Name: Community and Career Readiness Studies Certificate
Certificate Type: Undergraduate Certificate
What can I do with this certificate?
Required coursework includes paid or unpaid job experiences, on or off campus, for at least 6 hours per week during students’ second through fourth semesters. Students in the PEERS Program may be Idaho residents or nonresidents.
Certificate Requirements and Advising Resources
General Information
The Community and Career Readiness Studies (CCRS) Certificate is earned by students participating in the Providing Exceptional Education and Raising Standards (PEERS) Program. The PEERS Program is an inclusive, two year postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities at Boise State University. Students in the PEERS Program are enrolled in Boise State University coursework, taking PEERS specific courses pass/fail, as well as Boise State University courses for credit or as audit (depending on individual student goals). Required coursework includes paid or unpaid job experiences, on or off campus, for at least 6 hours per week during students’ second through fourth semesters. Students in the PEERS Program may be Idaho residents or nonresidents.
Applicants are required to have completed high school (i.e., 12th grade) and earned a diploma, certificate of completion, certificate of attendance, etc. or another credential which recognizes the student successfully participated in K-12 education. A prospective student may apply at any time, though students can only begin the program in the fall semester. Students, and their families, are encouraged to reach out to PEERS Program staff early in the student’s transition process to discuss questions regarding admissions. Students will complete a PEERS Program application and provide a personal statement regarding their postsecondary goals and why they think the PEERS Program will help them achieve their goals. Students, and their parents/guardians if applicable, will also participate in an interview with PEERS Program staff.
Student meeting the statutory definition and criteria for “intellectual disability” (ID)
Student having had experience in work environments (i.e., school-based, community-based, volunteer experiences, internships, etc.)
Student having taken the SAT or ACT (a minimum score is not required)
Responses within the application, personal statement, and interview which:
– Demonstrate the student’s interest in obtaining a postsecondary education
-Define how obtaining a postsecondary education will help the student achieve their goals
-State commitment to participating in two concurrent academic years of coursework and work experiences related to the student’s goals
-State commitment to maintaining integrated part-time employment during the student’s final three semesters in the certificate program
-Provides examples of how the student is developing skills for participating in their community and in the workforce
-Provides examples of how the student has taken initiative in asking for help when necessary in order to be working toward their goals and to be as independent as possible
-Describes why the student is interested in completing the certificate program at Boise State University
Community and Career Readiness Studies Certificate
Course Number, Title, Credits:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
ESP 100 Community & Career Planning for Success, 3 creditsÂ
ESP 120 Job Exploration, 3 credits
ESP 121 Employment Practicum I, 3 creditsÂ
ESP 122 Employment Practicum II, 3 creditsÂ
ESP 123 Employment Practicum III, 3 creditsÂ
ESP 130 Capstone: e-portfolio, 3 credits
UF 100 Intellectual Foundations, 3 credits
Approved Electives, 0-15 creditsÂ
Total Credits = 21-36Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
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