Request for Approval of Transfer Credit Instructions
This page will give an overview of and instructions for the Request for Approval of Transfer Credit (RATC) form. It can be found on our forms page.
The Request for Approval of Transfer Credit form is to request previously completed courses, that were not taken at Boise State University, be counted towards your current program. The Graduate College uses this form to verify courses taken at other universities are legitimate and can be used to satisfy course requirements towards a degree.
Filling out the Request for Approval of Transfer Credit form
Courses to be Transferred
Input one course per line. Be sure all fields are filled out or the form will not submit. Course information should be copied directly from the University transcript as it appears on the transcript.
How credit should be applied
Transfer credits can be used to satisfy a course requirement towards a degree. What course should your transfer credits apply to, for example: MATH 562, SOC 501, or BUSMBA 515. If you intend to transfer courses as general elective credits, be sure to state what department the electives should be transferred under, for example: Counseling Elective, Curriculum and Instruction Elective, or Computing Elective. You can view Degree Requirements and course listings in the Boise State Graduate Catalogs.
Upload Supporting Documents
In order for courses to be transferable the Graduate College will need a course plan, a syllabus, or some supporting documentation showing the topics of the class, what was taught, and how your final grade was determined. Documentation should include how homework, tests, finals, labs, or in class participation were weighed to determine the final grade in each course.
Duration of Study
Transfer credits are subject to Boise State’s Duration of Study policy. The duration of study states that all course work must be completed in a specific amount of time determined by the intended degree or certificate. Graduate certificates have a 4 year Duration of Study, Masters degrees a 7 year, and Doctoral degrees a 10 year duration of study. Transfer courses should be completed within this window of time.
If a student would like to transfer courses that do not meet the Duration of Study policy a Graduate Appeal form can be submitted.
Duration of study information can be found in the Graduate Catalog.
Submitting the Request for Approval of Transfer Credits
Once all fields have been filled in, click the ‘Validate Request’ button at the bottom of the page. A new button option should appear if all fields can be validated. Click ‘Submit Request’. You will receive an email confirmation, sent to your Bronco mail account, once your form has been processed.
Feel free to contact the Graduate College with any questions or concerns.