Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory
Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory will take place online during June 17–19, 2021.
BEST is an international conference featuring talks on a broad range of recent advances in research in set theory and related fields. Researchers from all areas of set theory and logic are welcome. BEST particularly aims to support the careers of young researchers. The conference is organized by the Set Theory group at Boise State University.
Organizers Liljana Babinkostova (Boise State University), John Clemens (Boise State University), Samuel Coskey (Boise State University), Marion Scheepers (Boise State University) Scientific support Natasha Dobrinen (University of Denver)

Attend BEST
Anyone is welcome to attend using the Zoom join link above. In addition to the schedule of talks, all are welcome to join the Zoom meeting during the breaks for conversation.
While formal registration is not necessary, if you wish to receive announcements in advance of the conference, please send a message to
Speakers and talk titles
Abstracts in PDF | Abstracts in TeX
Plenary speakers
- David Fernández Bretón (UNAM). Hindman’s theorem as a weak version of the Axiom of Choice
- Victoria Gitman (CUNY). Characterizing large cardinals via abstract logics
- Jun Le Goh (Wisconsin). Inseparable pairs and recursion theory
- Lynne Yengulalp (Wake Forest). Completeness, G-deltas, and games
- Joseph Zielinski (North Texas). Orbit equivalence relations of some classes of non-locally compact Polish groups
Additional confirmed speakers
- Filippo Calderoni (UIC). Rotation equivalence and cocycle superrigidity for compact actions
- Natasha Dobrinen (Denver). Big Ramsey degrees of universal inverse limit structures
- Thomas Gilton (Pittsburgh). Club stationary reflection and the special Aronszajn tree property
- Osvaldo Guzmán González (UNAM). MAD families and strategically bounding forcings
- Randall Holmes (Boise). An outline of a proof of the consistency of New Foundations
- Martina Iannella (Udine). The complexity of convex bi-embeddability among countable linear orders
- Krzysztof Kowitz (Gdańsk). Differentially compact space and Hindman space
- Maxwell Levine (Freiburg). Patterns of stationary reflection
- Renan Mezabarba (UFES). A characterization of productive cellularity
- Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos (Münster). Dynamical obstructions to classification by (co)homology and other TSI-group invariants
- Nick Ramsey (UCLA). Exact saturation in pseudo-elementary classes
- Panagiotis Rouvelas (Patras). Models of predicative NF
- Cory Switzer (KGRC). Tight eventually different families
- Riley Thornton (UCLA). Effectivization in Borel combinatorics
- Kameryn Williams (Hawaii). Coding sets into inner mantles
- Jenna Zomback (UIUC). Ergodic theorems along trees
Schedule of talks
All times in Mountain Daylight Time (US/Boise, UTC-6)
You are welcome to join the meeting to chat between morning and afternoon sessions!
Please visit our archive of capsules of past BEST conferences :)