A group of 12 College of Business and Economics students recently traveled to New York City to immerse themselves in the world of high finance. The trip exposed students to the investment banking and asset management industries as they visited Bank of America, Merill Lynch, Barclays, Bloomberg, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.
Garrett McBrayer, assistant professor in the Department of Finance, led the group. This is his second expedition to New York with students.
“The trip was fantastic. The students were exposed to and learned a ton. The scope of Wall Street is unmatched here in Boise. It is important to me to provide students experiences outside the classroom to help solidify their studies in a tangible way.”
Student Roxy Herron took full advantage of the trip.
“Traveling to New York with FMA will definitely be one of the highlights of my collegiate career,” Herron said. “I never dreamed I’d have the opportunity to travel across the country to learn from and network with professionals working in the finance and business world. Any student who is able to capitalize on these kinds of opportunities should use it to their full advantage and know that they are not only developing professionally but also personally, which is one of the reasons I loved this trip the most.”
Laura Chiuppi, COBE Career Services director, also accompanied the group.
“As Boise State and COBE grow, more students seek to leave the valley and explore cities. Because of contacts I made on the trip, I now can offer students a variety of opportunities and connections with employers in NYC,” Chiuppi said.
The trip was organized by the Financial Management Association (FMA), which aims to provide opportunities on a more frequent and local basis to Boise State students through a speaker series, workshops, mentorship programs and networking events. Find FMA on Boise State OrgSync or email McBrayer at garrettmcbrayer@boisestate.edu.
FMA students raised funds for the trip through PonyUp Boise State. Thanks to all FMA donors who helped make this the New York experience happen.