Stan Steiner is calling his recent book sale fundraiser a success. Every book sold — some 40,000 volumes collected by Steiner and his wife, Joy Steiner, a storyteller, over the past 50 years. The sale raised $50,000 for scholarships.
Details are still in the works, but Steiner said part of the money will go to a scholarship for graduate students in literacy. Steiner, a professor in the Department of Literacy, Language and Culture, retired this year.
It was bittersweet, said Steiner, to see his lifelong collection of books dispersed. Knowing the books would find new life in the hands of young readers, teachers, and other book lovers made it easier, he said. During the sale, which took place May 11-13 in the Jordan Ballroom, Steiner gave each child a coupon for one free book.

“This brought a lot of smiles,” he said.
He had the fun of overhearing children negotiating with their parents to buy more books, and one teacher who equated the sale to a trip to a candy store. Steiner’s generosity may have rubbed off on others. Some customers came to buy books to donate to local schools.
“More people showed up when we needed them the most,” said Steiner. “Some of the volunteers I met for the first time. They thought it was such a good cause that they wanted to help. I don’t think I got around to thank all the people enough for their time. I got to see a lot of former students and friends. It was heartwarming.”