Several campus groups and departments, including the Boise State Army ROTC program, the Boise State Student Veterans of America chapter, Peer Advisors for Veteran Education, Hire Heroes USA, the Idaho Army National Guard and the School of Public Service, will host the 3rd annual RUN FOR HEROES 5K at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, around the Boise State campus and the Julia Davis greenbelt.
Participants are welcome to run, walk or ruck (carry a weighted pack) to support veterans who have done the same and much more for our country. The mission of the RUN FOR HEROES 5K is to raise awareness and support for organizations serving local veterans. Proceeds will go to Hire Heroes USA and Student Veterans of America.
Admission levels: $25 for general entry and $20 for veterans and young people under 18.
Register online through the RUN FOR HEROES Facebook page. or online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/run-for-heroes-tickets-48570068382