Tammi Vacha-Haase, dean of the Graduate College, was recently voted President-Elect of the Western Association of Graduate Schools. The association is the western regional affiliate of the Council of Graduate Schools and serves a primary purpose of collaborating on mutual problems related to graduate studies and research among member institutions. The association, founded in 1958, consists of accredited institutions of higher education in the western United States, Canada and the Pacific Rim that offer master’s and doctoral degree programs.
“I am honored to be a part of the leadership team that supports graduate education in our region,” Vacha-Haase stated. “WAGS has the opportunity to impact over 200 eligible academic institutions, allowing the organization to provide needed information and resources to assist graduate deans and their staff with the changing landscape of graduate education.”
Previously a member-at-large, Vacha-Haase began her role as president-elect in March 2019, marking the start of a three-year appointment. “I am committed to continuing the ongoing success of WAGS, and will focus on ensuring member engagement,” Vacha-Haase said.
As part of Vacha-Haase’s leadership within the Western Association of Graduate Schools, Boise State will host the association’s 63rd annual meeting in spring 2021. This meeting will bring more than 150 graduate deans and staff to campus.
“This will be an incredible opportunity for us to showcase our institution, and place a spotlight on our remarkable people and outstanding programs,” Vacha-Haase said. “I am excited to share our wonderful campus and lovely city with others from across the western region.”