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Fundraising campaign for United Way of Treasure Valley begins Oct. 27

An employee led fundraising campaign for the United Way of Treasure Valley will take place Oct. 27 to Nov. 12. Employees interested in supporting the campaign can make a recurring payroll deduction, or one-time pledge using the online donation form.

The United Way of Treasure Valley is fighting for the health, education and financial stability of everyone in the community. Through their research and community assessments, they identify the biggest needs and bring together resources to meet those needs.

“We operate in a space where we can move people from poverty to possibility,” said Robynn Browne, director of resource development and community engagement for the United Way of Treasure Valley. “We’re fighting the fight to help people avoid falling off that proverbial cliff with a number of social safety net programs. And if someone does fall off that cliff, we have the tools and partners in place to provide basic needs and help get people moving again.”

Justin Doi, administrative assistant in visual arts and president of the Association of Classified Employees, and Peter Koetsier, professor of biology and president of the Faculty Senate, chair the Boise State campaign.

“I grew up doing walkathons for the United Way and supporting their efforts. Now, more than ever, I am choosing to support the United Way to support those who need our help,” Doi said. “As Boise State employees, we embody and live through our team’s values. We value respect for others, we value our responsibility, and, most importantly, we care. We know these are hard times and we are all struggling to keep up, but we wanted to provide an opportunity to support this great cause.”

To learn more about the United Way’s work in the Treasure Valley, visit