It’s April and that means the Boise State Undergraduate Research Showcase (URS) celebrating the trailblazing research and creative activities from every discipline on campus. The Showcase provides students from all disciplines the opportunity to share their ideas, discoveries, and creative scholarship with Boise State and beyond. Please join our creatives, innovators and researchers at the 2022 Virtual Undergraduate Research Showcase from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on April 22.
URS 2022 is a virtual event, and will include student lightning talks, research conversations, and a virtual poster symposium with opportunities for each student presenter to give an elevator pitch of their research poster. The event is made possible through the efforts of the Office of Undergraduate Research and the campus-wide URS planning committee of dedicated faculty and staff co-chaired by Donna Llewellyn, Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarships (IFITS) executive director, and Michal Temkin Martinez, a professor of linguistics.
Visit the URS website for up-to-date information about the event including zoom links for the synchronous plenary lightning talks and poster session breakout rooms and for the link to site housing all of the student posters (which will open on April 21). Also check out the Event Site for a form for undergraduates to register to win a donated iPad (must be present at the closing session to win).