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Moneyhun’s translations of Catalan poetry discussed at international colloquium

Clyde Moneyhun, professor of English, Boise State University

The 19th International Colloquium of Catalan Language and Literature at the University of Vic in Catalonia, Spain, discussed Clyde Moneyhun’s 2022 translation of “El volcà/The Volcano” by Catalan poet Anna Dodas i Noguer in a special session on June 29, 2022. The book, a single bilingual edition published by Francis Boutle Publishers, collects the complete poems of the increasingly influential poet who died in 1986.

Moneyhun, a professor of English and creative writing, also contributed English translations of poems by 20th century Catalan poets Clementina Aderiu, Maria-Marçal and Ponç Pons to Lyrikline, the world’s largest electronic library of international poetry. Lyrikline represents about 1,500 poets who have translated approximately 14,000 poems in 88 languages.

Moneyhun produced most of these new translations while on sabbatical in Menorca, Spain, in spring of 2022.