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Diamand publishes articles on public procurement

Ana-Maria Dimand, assistant professor of public policy and administration in the School of Public Service, recently co-authored two articles on public procurement.

“Human Capital Drivers of Employee Intent to Innovate: The Case of Public Procurement Professionals” appeared in the journal Review of Public Personnel Administration. Dimand and co-authors examined innovation as a path to overcoming the burdens of bureaucratic organizations and fostering improved service to the public. They tested how three types of human capital influence innovation: Organization level, industry specific and individual specific human capital. They also explored whether differences in feelings of being encouraged to innovate are linked to education, training, gender, race and age.

“Determinants of the Success of Cooperative Public Procurement” appeared in Public Performance and Management Review. The authors studied the potential determinants of cooperative public procurement as a form of collaborative governance and found that governments’ engagement in cooperative public procurement mostly depends on the benefits of cooperative public procurement rather than the costs.