Six Boise State students have been awarded internship funding from the NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium for summer 2023. During this 10-week internship, students will be working with their selected mentors in their ongoing areas of research. The areas of research range within the STEM disciplines, and tend to align with NASA Mission Directorates, which include Exploration Systems Development, Aeronautics Research, Space Operations, Space Technology, and Science (Earth, planetary, biochemistry, Helio- and Astro-physics).
The Idaho Space Grant is a federally funded grant program that provides and supports opportunities for the general public, K-12 students, educators, undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and industry in areas related to NASA’s initiatives. Established in 1991, the Idaho program is one of fifty-two Space Grant Consortia established by NASA under the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.
The 2023 awardees are:
- Benjamin Bailey: Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Paul H. Davis

- Justin Crevier: Geosciences, Physics, College of Arts and Sciences.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Brian Jackson - Hailey Stubbers: Physics, College of Arts and Sciences.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Brian Jackson

- Alejandra Almaraz: Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Dave Estrada - Konnor Sjullie: Biology, College of Arts and Sciences.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Ken Cornell

- Christina Fischer: Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences.
Faculty research mentor: Dr. Don Warner