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Berry and Kohntopp present at Distance Teaching and Learning Conference

Lisa Berry, associate director of eCampus Instructional Design Services, and Michael Kohntopp, instructional design consultant in the eCampus Center, led a session at the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference in July. The conference provides a transformative professional development experience for individuals working in the field of distance, hybrid and online education – from faculty and instructors to instructional designers and administrators. The University Professional and Continuing Education Association and the University of Wisconsin-Madison partnered to host the conference in Madison, WI.

Berry and Kohntopp led a session that addressed the question, “How can the curriculum and student learning experience for fully online academic programs be intentionally designed to facilitate success for the specific student audience?” Berry discussed the holistic approach used at the Boise State eCampus Center to plan fully online programs and Kohntopp shared how that information carries through to course design with a focus on student success. The session was entitled, “Online Program and Course Design Focused on Student Success.”

Faculty can learn more about services offered related to online learning on the eCampus Center website. Those interested in collaborating with eCampus staff members are encouraged to complete the consultation request form, or contact eCampus directly at