Finding your dream job after college may seem daunting, but thanks to the many resources at Boise State, it doesn’t have to be. Career Services helps students find jobs, tailor their application materials and succeed in interviews. Take School of Nursing alum Chris Hughes, for example.
From Boise to Baltimore
Chris Hughes knew that when applying for jobs, it’s helpful to have some criteria – or dream – in mind to give you direction.
“I made it a goal to try and apply to those hospitals that had [certified registered nurse anesthetist] programs attached to them,” said Hughes, a 2023 nursing graduate.
When it came to applying for a job, he aimed high, not letting the process (though lengthy and sometimes tiring) intimidate him.

He also didn’t stumble blindly into job applications. He had a network of support, from the encouragement of friends – “I didn’t even really think about applying to [Johns] Hopkins [Hospital] until one of my friends actually applied,” – to multiple people reviewing his résumé.
Hughes sought feedback from his mentor Sarah Wilson, the director of the academic integrity program in the Office of the Dean of Students. He also asked Emily Davies, an employer engagement specialist and School of Nursing liaison in Career Services, to look over his résumé.
“Chris was very self motivated and I was there for support on the job search process more than anything else,” Davies said. “I helped provide him with resources on [intensive care unit] new graduate programs that he was interested in and connected with some recruiters to get more details about the programs. I helped him with his résumé and some interview tips, but he was prepared tremendously from the start.”
Hughes’ preparation paid off. After graduating in May, he began his career at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.
His advice to student nurses?
“Just apply,” he said. “Apply early. Work on your résumé, then find a mentor and show it to them. Have them look it over and then…apply early.”
What can Career Services do for you?
Applying for nursing jobs? Get resources from Career Services to help you succeed. Davies encourages students to contact the office early on in the program. “It is never too soon to connect with Career Services,” she said.
Like Davies did for Hughes, Career Services also can do some of the leg-work of job-hunting, connecting students with recruiters or contact information for their desired organization.
The office also offers students general information about the nursing industry. This can be helpful for students early in their education, those working on prerequisites (like the pre-nursing track) or for those who aren’t sure what specialty they want to pursue within nursing (like bedside, critical care or advanced practice).
Davies explained that in addition to résumé work (like phrasing and formatting), Career Services tailors interview tips, questions and mock practice to industry-specifics, so nursing students can get the most relevant practice possible.
Her top piece of advice?
“Schedule a mock interview with us so that you are well prepared for your interviews.”
Davies will be available to talk in-person at a Career Services table at the upcoming Meet the Employers job fair event. The School of Nursing and Boise State’s Student Nurse Association co-host this event each semester; this fall’s event on Sept. 20 is open to all health sciences students.