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Igniting Scholarship in Teaching workshop Aug. 1-2

All humanities and social sciences faculty are encouraged to mark their calendars for the Igniting Scholarship in Teaching workshop to be held Aug. 1-2 on Boise State’s campus.

This workshop will offer presentations on teaching across the humanities and social sciences with interactive discussions about advancing scholarly teaching on campus. There will also be opportunities for hands-on workshops that guide faculty through the process of writing scholarship of teaching and learning articles for publication.

Participant registration details will be coming soon.

The organizers are seeking a dedicated team to help plan the workshop. Most planning occurs in the summer, and each committee member will receive a $500 stipend for their contributions while off-contract.

Applications for the organizing committee close on Friday, May 10. Apply by completing the Google form.

Those with question can visit the workshop webpage or contact the conference organizer, Michal Temkin Martinez, at

This workshop is made possible by a Humanities and Social Science Initiatives grant from the College of Arts and Sciences and is supported by the Center for Teaching and Learning.