Friday Schedule Update
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Students Create a Culture of Giving

One trait that College of Health Sciences students share, regardless of their discipline, is the spirit of giving. This holiday season students made substantial gifts to the community at large and to future students of the college.

The Student Association of Radiologic Technologists (SART) completed a food donation drive for the Idaho Foodbank as a part of the “Leading the Effort to End Hunger in Idaho” campaign. The students collected 71 pounds of food that results in 59 meals. The food will be redistributed to more than 200 non-profit partner organizations in communities around the state.

However, the students of SART didn’t stop with one drive. They also completed a holiday book drive for Koelsch Elementary, a Title I school desperately in need of books to be used in the library, in the classroom, and to be given to students for personal books during reading week. SART collected 180 new and slightly used books that were delivered to Koelsch just prior to Christmas.

Meanwhile, the students in the graduating class in the School of Nursing solicited donations and built baskets for a silent auction to raise more than $2,000 in scholarship money for future Boise State University nursing students. In 2008, faculty, staff and students established the School of Nursing Academic Scholarship in order to promote the school’s mission of fostering intellectual development and excellence in nursing education through teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. Since the scholarship fund’s establishment, graduating classes have been collecting and fundraising money to add to the scholarship fund, which is now at nearly $20,000.

Students have not stopped this trend of giving. SART has an ongoing drive for Campbell soup labels and Box Tops for Education, which will continue until the end of the academic year. Nursing students raise funds for nursing student scholarships each semester.

The Radiologic Sciences and Nursing students are thankful for the participation of faculty, staff and fellow students in these initiatives.