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Three reasons to choose an AACSB-accredited school

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is one of the top degrees that many business professionals aspire to achieve. However, not all schools provide graduate students with high-quality educational programs. When searching for the right online MBA program, it’s important to look for each school’s accreditation status. Accredited online MBA programs have met certain levels of quality regarding education, faculty reputation, admission requirements and other programs and services offered to students. Many employers tend to seek out job candidates who have graduated from accredited degree programs because of the schools’ reputation for providing excellent learning opportunities for students.

Quality education with an AACSB-accredited MBA program

Only a small percentage of business programs have acquired accreditation with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). These are the top business schools in the world, offering the highest quality of education for students, and they are known to have greater access to job recruiters than schools that are not AACSB-accredited. They are also recognized for having highly qualified faculty members and students with strong GPAs. To achieve this accreditation status, a school’s faculty and administrative staff must demonstrate that the curriculum and teaching methods are aligned with stringent AACSB standards.

Rewarding career in business administration

If you’re able to graduate from an AACSB-accredited business school, you’re likely to have a rewarding career in your field. You will start your career with the knowledge and skills that employers want, which can provide you with a competitive advantage over others. Additionally, employers tend to recruit students from AACSB-accredited online MBA programs directly upon graduation and offer them ideal job positions and competitive salaries.

Creating an attractive resume

Although an MBA is a highly recognized degree, it is also one of the most popular degrees that students pursue. Therefore, the competition to obtain lucrative jobs in various industries is fierce among recent MBA graduates. One way to distinguish yourself from others is to complete your education with an AACSB-accredited MBA program. Your resume should communicate to prospective employers that you have the skills and proficiency to handle the type of job you’re applying for and have the competence to exceed their expectations. You want to show that your education plus experience will make you an asset to a company. Due to the renowned reputation of AACSB-accredited online MBA programs, your resume will more likely stand out over others.

Accredited online MBA programs provide students with the skills needed to fulfill their career aspirations. When you make the investment to enroll in an MBA program, an AACSB-accredited school will give you the opportunity to obtain a quality education.

Learn more about the Boise State online MBA program.