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Prevention involves active organizations helping the community actively prevent substance misuse.

18 in Idaho

18 in Idaho logo

The age of majority is a term used to describe when a child becomes an adult in the eyes of the law, which for many things is 18 years old. The website 18 in Idaho describes some of what you are able to do now that you are 18.



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Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS (Alpha). We are a safe and welcoming place to go for HIV and AIDS education, testing, and support in Idaho.


Be the Parents

BeTheParents logo1 is an educational website created by the Idaho State Prevention Committee designed to prevent and reduce underage drinking in Idaho by providing parents and guardians with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing teen brain, along with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use.

Campus Drug Prevention

campus drug prevention logo

Campus Drug Prevention: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is pleased to provide institutions of higher education and their surrounding communities with these resources to prevent drug misuse among college students. We are committed to promoting the importance of prevention and its role in helping ensure the health and safety of our nation’s colleges and universities.

Community Coalitions of Idaho

coalition logo Idaho

Community Coalitions of Idaho is a non-profit organization that was created in 2009 to strengthen advocacy efforts for substance abuse prevention in Idaho. CCI works to facilitate collaboration and encourage cooperation among Idaho community coalitions in order to address policies and issues with a united voice.

Connect The Pieces

Connect the Pieces logo

Connect the Pieces, a project of Supportive Housing and Innovative Partnerships (SHIP) works to prevent drug abuse in our community and rebuild the lives of people in recovery from substance abuse by providing supportive housing, recovery support services, employment training programs, and green job opportunities.

Drug Enforcement Administration: Red Ribbon Toolkit

red ribbon materials

Red Ribbon Week offers a great opportunity for parents, teachers, educators, and community organizations to raise awareness of the problem of drug abuse. DEA has created a series of materials to help your community participate in Red Ribbon Week. Click here for the Red Ribbon Toolkit.


Drug Free Idaho

Drug Free Idaho logo

With the mission to offer a full service, comprehensive, employer friendly, drug-free workplace program the Drug Free Idaho Web site offers a variety of resources and information to help people, businesses, and communities become drug-free.

Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children Coalition


The Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children Coalition is dedicated to protecting Idaho’s children through community education and by identifying, arresting and prosecuting those who commit internet crimes against children.


Meridian Anti-Drug Coalition

MADC logo

At the Meridian Anti-Drug Coalition, their mission is to strengthen the community through substance abuse prevention. They work with a variety of professionals throughout the community in order to build Meridian into a safe, drug-free community.


You Can’t Stop What You Don’t Know!

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When it comes to alcohol and substance abuse, things are always changing. It can be hard to keep up with all the trends and practices of substance use and abuse. Most communities want to stop the underage drinking and drug usage in their community. After attending a presentation, you will know what is out there, where to find it, how people are abusing it, and you will have the knowledge to stop it! Learn more at Tall Cop Says Stop.