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Academic Integrity

The university’s goal is to foster an intellectual atmosphere that produces educated, literate people. Because cheating and plagiarism are at odds with this goal, these actions shall not be tolerated in any form. You are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct. Therefore, all work you submit must represent  your own ideas and effort; when the work does not, you have engaged in academic dishonesty.

Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism occurs when a person tries to represent another person’s work as his or her own or borrows directly from another person’s work without proper documentation. For example, academic dishonesty occurs whenever you:

  • buy a paper or other project, then seek to receive credit for the paper or project
  • copy from another student’s exam, either before, during, or after the exam
  • use “crib notes” while taking an exam or use information stored in a computer or calculator (if prohibited from doing so)
  • allow another person to take an exam in your place or take an exam for another person
  • collaborate on take-home exams when such collaboration is forbidden
  • copy the work of another person and attempt to receive credit for that work
  • fail to properly document source material in a paper or project
  • receive editorial assistance that falls outside the scope of acceptable assistance

Note: The list above is intended only to provide general guidelines for recognizing and avoiding common types of academic dishonesty. It is in no way an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all the types of academic dishonesty.

Except in cases of major offenses, responding to academic dishonesty is the responsibility of the instructor of the course where the dishonesty occurs. If you are responsible for academic dishonesty, you may be dismissed from the class and may receive a failing grade. Other penalties may include suspension or expulsion from school.

More Information

For more information about academic honesty, see the following publications:

Boise State University Policy Manual
Student Code of Conduct

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