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5 ½ Scenes From Campus We Miss Right Now

It’s been a (long) few weeks now since we’ve all been together on campus, and we miss it. The friendly faces, the trees and flowers coming back to life, the energy and excitement of spring activities. So in lieu of sharing that in person with all of you, we’re sharing some of our favorite campus scenes today. Enjoy, and be well.

1) Hello, beautiful shiny B

The Boise State B in front of the Administration Building


2) River, oh Boise River

A hammock stretched between trees along the Boise River.


3) We’ll never take you for granted again, busy Quad.

People walking through Quad, dodging the occasional bike whizzing by


4) Remember having to search for an empty table?

Students scattered throughout three floors of the ILC studying, eating and doing their thing


5) Our Broncos. Our lifeblood. Our people.

B logo made by new students and families on their first day at Boise State


5 ½) It’s not even a half. It’s a bonus, and it’s beautiful, and we miss it!