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Emergency Procedures

The Student Union strives to be a safe and welcoming environment. In the event of an emergency, this digital guide can be used by students, faculty, staff, and guests as a training tool and reference for how to respond. All employees who work in the Student Union should become familiar with this information, and new employees should be trained to follow these procedures and the building evacuation plan for their respective department. While we cannot anticipate every conceivable situation, use this guide to prepare for and respond to the most common emergencies that may occur. In addition to procedures and responsibilities, all employees must know the locations of the emergency exits, fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, evacuation assistance areas, AED units, and first aid kits.

Bookmark this guide on your web browser for easy access and review with your staff annually, along with resources from Campus Security and Police Services.

Remember, you do not need to be the hero. Always ASSESS THE SITUATION and KNOW YOUR LIMITS.

Search Emergency Procedures

Emergency Contacts

General Emergency Contacts

For all emergencies call 911
Student Union Manager on Duty radio call “409”
Student Union Manager on Duty phone (208) 863-1781
Boise State University Police (208) 426-6911 (to report non-emergencies)

News and Media Inquiries

Refer all inquiries from the news media to:
Greg Hahn, Director of Communications and Marketing: (208) 426-5391

Student Union Administration

Brent Delong, Director, Student Union: (208) 426-4051
Elise Alford, Senior Associate Director, Student Union: (208) 426-2537
Nicole Nimmons, Executive Director, Campus Services: (208) 426-4327
Leslie Webb, Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management: (208) 426-1062

Physical Address of the Student Union

1700 University Drive
Boise, ID, 83725
(provide the specific location within the facility to 911 dispatchers)


The Manager on Duty, Building Facility Foreman, or the Student Union Director will take the lead during an evacuation. All Student Union staff are responsible for evacuating the building.

Evacuation Coordinators are identified staff members that take on additional responsibilities during an evacuation. They wear brightly colored vests and handle the subsequent crowd control of students and guests during an evacuation. Follow their instructions and assist if necessary.

When the alarm sounds, immediately begin to evacuate your assigned area.

While moving towards your pre-planned evacuation route, ensure that you check all meeting rooms, restrooms, retail areas, office spaces, and public areas in your assigned area.
Do not use the elevators.

The last person to leave any room should close doors to prevent the spread of smoke and fire. Do not lock the doors.

After exiting the building, wait at your assigned area until the “all clear” is announced.
Staff should discourage anyone from entering the building during the evacuation.

If a person refuses to leave the building, do not try to attempt to remove this person yourself. Report to the Manager on Duty or the Evacuation Coordinator that someone is still in the building and the person’s location.

If the alarm fails to function, the Manager on Duty will instruct the staff via 2-way radio to evacuate the building.

Evacuation Assembly Areas

  • Lookout Room/Third Floor: Lobby in front of NE elevator and stairs.
  • Second Floor/South: Main stairs near passenger elevator.
  • Second Floor/East: Lounge area by NE stairs and elevator.
  • Second Floor/North: Area in front of Operations office near elevator.

Assisting Ambulatory Individuals

Ambulatory individuals are those people with disabilities that require special assistance during an evacuation. Examples of these individuals include people who are blind or deaf or whose mobility is restricted by the use of walkers or crutches.

You should help these individuals by:
  • Consult with the individual regarding how best to assist him/her.
  • Explain where the person needs to go to get to a safe evacuation route.
  • Guide them to the nearest Evacuation Assembly area of the building.
  • Assist them in walking down the stairwell and outside to the pre-planned assembly area.

Assisting Non-Ambulatory Individuals

Non-Ambulatory Individuals

Non-ambulatory individuals are those people with disabilities that require the use of wheelchairs. You should assist these individuals by:
Consult with the individual regarding how best to assist him/her.

If an individual with mobility impairment is on the second floor of a building or above or in the basement, he or she may need assistance to leave the building during an emergency or during an elevator failure.

Explain where the person needs to go to get to a safe evacuation route.
Call the Manager on Duty at radio call “409”, by phone at 863-1781 or call 911.
Move the impaired individual near the stairwell and if possible, wait for assistance.

If the hazard becomes life-threatening, (i.e., the fire is getting close or the smoke becomes choking):

  1. move the individual into a room and close the door
  2. Vacate the building and immediately
  3. Tell the emergency responders where the individual is located.

Medical Emergency

Idaho is a Good Samaritan state, which gives legal protection to people who willingly volunteer to give emergency care to ill or injured individuals. The “Good Samaritan” is required to: act in good faith, act within the scope of his or her training, not be deliberately negligent or reckless, and not abandon the person after starting to give care.

All Student Union Managers on Duty are trained and certified in First Aid/CPR/AED.

Non-Life Threatening

Contact the Manager on Duty at radio call sign “409” or by phone at (208) 863-1781.

Life Threatening

  • Summon help by calling 911.
    • If necessary, delegate someone else to call 911.
  • Do not move seriously injured person unless he or she is in a life-threatening situation.
  • Render first-aid or CPR only if you have been trained.
  • Do not leave the injured person except to summon help.
  • When reporting the medical emergency, provide the following information
    • Type of emergency
    • Location of the victim (building address)
      • Student Union Building, 1700 University Drive
      • If other campus facility, provide building address or name to personnel
    • Condition of the victim
    • Any dangerous conditions
    • Comfort the victim until medical services arrive
    • Have someone stand by outside the building to flag down the ambulance when it reaches the vicinity.
  • If you are exposed to another person’s body fluids, wash the exposed area and contact a healthcare professional.
  • As soon as practical, contact the Manager on Duty at radio call sign “409” or by phone at (208) 863-1781.

AED units are located:

  • Near the Spec Center lobby
  • First floor near the Bookstore entrance

First Aid kits are located:

  • Info Desk
  • Games Center
  • Operations Office

Violence, Crime or Harassment

Violence, Physical Threat, Crime, Robbery, Terrorism/Terrorism Threats

  • Immediately call the Boise Police Department at 911.
  • Do not attempt to restrain the individual(s) or in any way jeopardize yourself or any bystanders.
  • Be prepared to give a good description of the individual(s) and the situation.
  • Note the direction the individual(s) traveled when leaving the building.
  • After contacting Boise Police Department, contact the Union Manager by phone at (208) 863-1781.

Vandalism, Intoxication, Harassment, Physical Threat, or Similar Situation

  • Contact the Manager on Duty by phone at (208) 863-1781. The Manager on Duty will determine if it is necessary to contact the Boise Police Department.
  • The Manager on Duty will determine if the Boise Police Department is to be contacted.
  • Do not attempt to restrain the individual(s) or in any way jeopardize yourself or any bystanders.
  • Be prepared to give a good description of the individual(s) and the situation.
  • Note the direction the individual(s) traveled when leaving the building.

Active Shooter, Gunfire, or Hostage

Active Shooter or Gunfire

If you hear gunfire or a report that an active shooter is in the facility, follow your instinct to RUN, HIDE, OR FIGHT. If a phone is immediately available in the area, and if it is safe to do so, call 911. Stay on the phone with the police dispatcher for as long as it is safe to do so.

The Student Union encourages regular review of Department Public Safety resource materials on active shooter preparation and response.

Hostage Situation

Immediately evacuate the building, using your pre-planned evacuation route. Stay out of sight of the perpetrator at all times. Take no action to intervene with the hostage taker. Call 911. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher. If possible, contact the Manager on Duty at (208) 863-1781 after you have contacted 911.

The Boise Police Department and University Administration will assume control of the situation and provide official responses and commands.

Power Outage

The Building Facility Foreman or the Manager on Duty will report the situation and determine if the problem is limited to the Student Union or is campus wide.

The Manager on Duty will determine if the building requires evacuation. Staff should remain in place unless instructed otherwise.

Emergency lights are automatically activated in stairwells and in strategic locations on each floor to allow users to move to the exits.

Flashlights are located in each work area.

Do not use the elevators.

If someone is trapped in an elevator call the Manager on Duty at radio call sign “409” or by phone at 863-1781 and be prepared to tell them which location the person is trapped.

Bomb Threats

Bomb threats may be received by telephone, e-mail or letter. If you receive a bomb threat, follow the following procedures:

If you receive a bomb threat by telephone, remain calm and attempt to notify supervisor/co-worker while the caller is on the line – wave, write a note, etc.

Obtain as much information as possible:

  • Where is it located? Building and Area
  • When will it go off? Hour/Day and Time Remaining
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • Where are you now? 
  • How do you know so much about the bomb?

Immediately call the Boise Police Department at 911 from a campus phone. Provide them any information that you have received, specifically the location and the time the bomb is supposed to explode.

If the threat was made in writing, do not handle the letter or note any more than necessary.

Do not touch or move any unfamiliar objects, and wait for police to arrive on the scene.

Do not evaluate the building and do not sound the alarm until instructed to do so by the Boise Police Department. The Boise Police Department official will determine if an evacuation is warranted. If the building is evacuated, account of all the building occupants at the designated meeting area.

As soon as practical, contact the Manager on Duty via phone at  (208) 863-1781.

During the call or immediately after, complete the Bomb Threat Procedure and Record Form located in your handbook

Bomb Threat Procedure and Record Form Fields

Caller’s Identity
  • Gender – M/F
  • Adult
  • Juvenile
  • Approximate Age
  • Comments:
Origin of Call
  • Off-campus
  • Cell phone
  • Booth
  • Campus
  • Comments:
Voice Characteristics
  • Loud
  • High pitched
  • Raspy
  • Intoxicated
  • Soft
  • Deep
  • Pleasant
  • Comments:
  • Does the caller have an accent?
  • Comments:
  • Distinct
  • Distorted
  • Stuttered
  • Slurred
  • Nasal
  • Lisp
  • Comments:
Use of Language
  • Excellent
  • Fair
  • Foul
  • Good
  • Poor
  • Other _________
  • Comments:
  • Calm
  • Rational
  • Coherent
  • Deliberate
  • Righteous
  • Angry
  • Irrational
  • Incoherent
  • Emotional
  • Laughing
  • Comments:
Background Noises
  • Music
  • Voices
  • Quiet
  • Animals
  • Factory noises
  • Office machines
  • Party noises
  • Traffic
  • Comments:
General Comments:

Employee Name and Date 

Fire or Explosion


Pull the nearest fire alarm and leave via the pre-planned evacuation route.

Dial 911 and give your name and location of the fire (Boise State University Student Union Building, 1700 University Drive- give specific location in the building). If necessary, dial 911 from another building.

When a fire alarm sounds, occupants should:

  1. Proceed immediately to an exit according to the preplanned evacuation route and move a safe distance away from the building. If the primary exit is blocked, choose the best alternate route. If time permits, close doors and windows behind you.
  2. Do not use an elevator.

If the alarm fails to function:

  • Dial 911 to report that the fire alarm has been pulled but has failed to function.
  • Call the Manager on Duty at radio call “409” or by phone  (208) 863-1781 to inform them that the alarm has failed to function.
  • Follow evacuation instructions.

If there is smoke in the area:

Before passing through any door, feel the metal doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against it slightly; if heat or heavy smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room. Remain close to the floor.

If you cannot leave the room:
  • Open the windows.
  • Seal the cracks around doors with clothing or other material, soaking it with water if possible.
  • Hang an object (bed sheet, jack, shirt, etc.) out the window to gain attention.
  • Shout for help.
  • If possible, call 911 and report that you are trapped.
  • If all exits are found to be blocked, go to a room as far as possible from the fire, close the door, and follow the above procedures.

Special Events Center

The fire alarm is separate from the Student Union Building. If you suspect a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm and leave the building via the preplanned evacuation route. Follow the Student Union Fire Evacuation procedures.


  • Immediately evacuate the building, using your preplanned evacuation route.
  • Call the Boise Police Department at 426-1453 or 911. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher.
  • Call the Manager on Duty at radio call “409” or by phone 863-1781.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous material spills (biological, radiological, chemical) can result in fire, explosion, release of toxic fumes, and contamination of water, among other effects. In the event of a spill of possibly hazardous materials, dial 911 immediately and leave the area via the pre-planned evacuation route.

University Authorities will determine when it is safe to reoccupy the building.

Severe Weather


Pull the nearest fire alarm and leave via the pre-planned evacuation route. Dial 911 and give your name and location of the fire (Boise State University Student Union Building, 1700 University Drive- give specific location in the building). If necessary, dial 911 from another building.

When a fire alarm sounds, occupants should:

Proceed immediately to an exit according to the preplanned evacuation route and move a safe distance away from the building. If the primary exit is blocked, choose the best alternate route. If time permits, close doors and windows behind you. Do not use an elevator.

If the alarm fails to function:

Dial 911 to report that the fire alarm has been pulled but has failed to function.
Call the Manager on Duty at radio call “409” or by phone  (208) 863-1781 to inform them that the alarm has failed to function.
Follow evacuation instructions.

If there is smoke in the area:

Before passing through any door, feel the metal doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against it slightly; if heat or heavy smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room. Remain close to the floor.

If you cannot leave the room:
  • Open the windows.
  • Seal the cracks around doors with clothing or other material, soaking it with water if possible.
  • Hang an object (bed sheet, jack, shirt, etc.) out the window to gain attention.
  • Shout for help.
  • If possible, call 911 and report that you are trapped.
  • If all exits are found to be blocked, go to a room as far as possible from the fire, close the door, and follow the above procedures.

Special Events Center

The fire alarm is separate from the Student Union Building. If you suspect a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm and leave the building via the preplanned evacuation route. Follow the Student Union Fire Evacuation procedures.


Immediately evacuate the building, using your preplanned evacuation route.
Call the Boise Police Department at 426-1453 or 911. Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher.
Call the Manager on Duty at radio call “409” or by phone 863-1781.

Suspicious Mail and Packages

The following characteristics may identify suspicious parcels

  • Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
  • Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or otherwise outdated (e.g., improper title).
  • No return address, or one that can’t be verified as legitimate.
  • Has any powdery substance on the outside.
  • Of unusual weight, given its size, or lopsided.
  • Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as Personal or Confidential.
  • Protruding wires, strange odors or stains.
  • Has an unusual amount of tape.
  • Has excessive postage applied to the parcel.
  • A city or state in the postmark that doesn’t match the return address.

If you receive a suspicious parcel in the mail

  • Do not shake or open the parcel.
  • Isolate the piece of mail.
  • Call the Manager on Duty by phone at (208) 863-1781.
  • Do not pass the letter/parcel to others.
  • Deny access to the letter to everyone except emergency responders.
  • Move to an area that minimizes exposure to others and to the parcel.
  • If possible, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

If you open a parcel that appears to be contaminated

  • Do not move the parcel.
  • Call the Manager on Duty by phone at (208) 863-1781
  • Turn off any fans, window air conditions and/or small heaters.
  • Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas.
  • Everyone who is evacuated should report to the building’s pre-planned assembly area.
  • Do not pass the letter/parcel to others. Deny access to the letter to everyone except emergency responders.
  • The individual who opened the parcel and anyone else who has come into contact with the parcel should remain isolated, and wait for additional instructions from responding emergency personnel.
  • If possible, the individuals who had contact with the parcel should wash their face and hands with soap and water.