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Workload Policy

Policy Title: Workload for Clinical, Research, Lecturer, Tenured, and Tenure-Track Faculty

School of Allied Health Sciences (SAHS) Policy

Effective Date: Spring 2017


To establish school-wide policies and procedures governing the assignment of workload for Clinical, Research, Lecturer, Tenured and Tenure-track faculty who occupy full-time positions in an academic department.


Applies to all Clinical, Research,  Lecturer, Tenured, and Tenure-Track Faculty

Responsible Party:

Director, School of Allied Health Sciences


  • Clinical Course- A course taught in a clinic, K-12 classroom, office, courtroom, field camp, or similar setting, with an emphasis on the practice of professional skills under the supervision of a university-authorized preceptor.
  • ‘Faculty’ or ‘Faculty Members’ – Members of the Clinical, Research, lecturer,Tenured and Tenure-track faculty (as defined in University Policy #7000) who occupy full-time  positions In academic departments.
  • Internship – Fieldwork specifically related to a student’s major, supervised by the site preceptor, and administratively coordinated by faculty.
  • Laboratory Course – An established on-campus, online or hybrid course devoted to experimentation, investigation and/or practical application of theoretical  concepts acquired in lecture courses.
  • Lecture Course – An established on-campus, online or hybrid course devoted to the presentation and discussion of course content and student assignments.
  • Peer Review – Designates any discipline specific factors used in determining whether the scholarly value of a particular scholarly product is academically or professionally noteworthy.
  • Scholarship – All forms of scholarly, creative or research activities.


Policy Statement: Professional expectations of all faculty members  may include teaching, scholarship, and service. The distribution of effort among teaching, scholarship, and service, may vary among faculty members and semesters. Workload of Tenured and Tenure-Track  faculty will include teaching, scholarship and service. However, the distribution of effort should always balance the scholarship and service interests of individual faculty members with their responsibility to deliver academic programs of high quality and be consistent with the mission of each department.

Workload of lecturer and Clinical faculty will include teaching  and may include scholarship and service. See Boise State Policy I# 4250 and 4490, respectively. The typical focus of the Clinical faculty is teaching and service; however, scholarship may be included, Workload of Research faculty will primarily include research; however, teaching and service may be included. See Boise State Policy I# 7000.

General Distribution Requirements

Baseline professional expectations for all faculty members may include teaching, service and scholarship. See the typical workload allocations table for examples of total faculty workload allocation.

Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
  • The standard  Credit Hour load (CHl) teaching assignment for Tenured and Tenure-Track (TI) faculty on a nine month contract Is three,three-credit courses per semester (“3-3 toad”), which is generally equivalent to 60% of the total faculty workload per semester.The  remaining workload is generally allotted to some percentage of scholarship and service. According to Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (BSU Policy 1#4340), the workload distribution for all TT faculty must Include at least 1 CHl in Teaching, Scholarship and Service per year.
Clinical Faculty
  • Clinical faculty are focused on teaching and may participate in service and scholarship.
Research Faculty
  • Research faculty are focused on research and may participate in teaching and service.
Lecturer Faculty
  • Lecturer faculty are focused on teaching and may participate in service.

Workload distribution (teaching+ service+ scholarship) in SAHS can be represented as a total of a 30 Credit Hour load (CHl) for the academic year; a 30 CHls equal to 100% workload. Certain faculty may have varied allocations across all three workload components.

Examples of typical workload allocations:

Faculty Teaching Service Scholarship
TT Faculty 60″(18 CHl) 20% (6 CHl) 20% (6 CHL)
Clinical Faculty 80″(24 CHL) 20″(6 CHl) 0%
Research Faculty 0% 0″ 100″ (30 CHL)
Lecturer Faculty 80″(24 CHT) 20% (6 CHL) 0″

Workload Value of Teaching, Scholarship and Service Activities

The teaching load for an Individual full time faculty member may vary from the fall to spring semester of an academic year based on scholarly activity, service, and other needs of the department. Guidelines are listed for assigning workload CHL. The percentage of workload assigned to teaching, scholarship, and service must sum to 100%. The department chair, SAHS director, and college dean must approve  the annual distribution of workload.

The CHL awarded may be increased or decreased by the Department Chair to account for additional factors that significantly Impact effort, such as large enrollment, service learning requirements, hybrid or online delivery, help from graduate assistants, inter-professional activities, teaching multiple sections of the same course, team taught courses, etc.


  • Lecture Courses: The CHL awarded to faculty workload Is typically equivalent to the number of credits assigned to that lecture course.
  • Laboratory Courses: A laboratory course generally has more contact hours than credit hours. The CHL awarded for teaching laboratory courses is described in the Addendum for each department.
  • Clinical Courses: A clinical course generally has more contact hours than credit hours. The CHL awarded for teaching clinical courses ts described  In the Addendum for each department.
  • Other Courses: The SoAHS offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses not easily classified as lecture, laboratory or clinical courses, including independent study, seminar, workshop, directed research, readings and conference. The CHL awarded for these types of courses is described in the Addendum for each department.
  • Graduate Culminating Activities: The CHL awarded for faculty participation In graduate culminating activities, such as thesis, project, dissertation, etc. These are included as part of the annual teaching assignment to the extent the culminating activities are represented by registered academic credits. The CHL awarded for these types of activities is described in the Addendum for each department.


  • SAHS recognizes multiple forms of Scholarship. The CHL awarded for Scholarship is based upon 47 hours of effort= 1.0 CHL. Scholarly activities for which CHL may be awarded may include:
    • Dissemination of new knowledge through
      • Refereed publications
      • Expository writing such as textbooks, research synopses, or other syntheses of knowledge
      • Presentations at scholarly or professional meetings
      • Published reviews of professional publications
  • Creative work (performances, poetry, drama, artwork and design, competitions) recognized by peer review or jury
  • Applied or theoretical research
  • Submission of grant applications and contracts
  • Professional recognition by scholars at other Institutions with knowledge of the faculty member’s field

*Per CoHS Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (CHS Policy# 210), Candidates (for promotion and tenure) must show evidence of having “achieved an average of one (1) peer-reviewed publication per year…”


  • In SoAHS examples of appropriate evidence include, but are not limited to, the following  items. The CHL awarded for Service activities is based upon 47 hours of effort= 1.0 CHL.
    • Student advising and/or other student-related service
    • Internship supervision (293/493) other than fieldwork supervisor
    • Professional service in the discipline, such as
      • Editor or member of an editorial board for an academic or professional journal
      • Professional committee or organization involvement
      • Refereeing of texts or papers in the discipline
  • Institutional service, such as
    • Participating In university, college, school or departmental committees and the Faculty Senate
    • Efforts on behalf of university-related projects
    • Community activities that benefit the university
    • Administrative or other assigned responsibilities within the university, college, school or department (e.g., chair, director, coordinator, etc.)
  • Community service, such as:
    • Pro-bono consulting
    •  Using professional abilities for the community’s benefit

Departmental Workload Policies and Procedures within the SAHS

Each department is responsible for assuring the CHL allocation for faculty activity is accurately reflected In the Addendum. Modifications to the information  In the Addendum must be approved by a committee of SoAHS department representatives and the Director, Dean, and Provost. At minimum, the SoAHS workload policy requires:(1) uniform application to all faculty members of each department; for each faculty member, joint development (by the faculty member and department chair) of an annual written professional expectation document that Is approved  by the department chair and subject to review by the school director and the college dean; and linkage of the annual workload performance to the annual faculty evaluation.

Guidelines for Documentation of Faculty Workload

Documentation of the anticipated faculty workload assignments for the upcoming academic year must be submitted to the director prior to the start of the fall semester. Such documentation shall include the following items:

  • The percent of Qtl assigned to teaching, scholarship and service.
  • A breakdown of CHL assigned for teaching, scholarship and service.

School of Allied Health Sciences (SAHS) Workload Addendum

In the following table, the SAHS Credit Hour load (Credit: CHL) column  applies to all departments, except as specifically stated in the departmental column. The CHL awarded may be increased or decreased by the Department Chair to account for additional factors that significantly impact effort, such as large enrollment, service learning requirements, hybrid or on-line delivery, help from graduate assistants, inter-professional activities, teaching multiple sections of the same course, team-taught courses, etc. However, significant deviation from the CHL allocation may impact the faculty’s eligibility for Tenure and Promotion. An image of the Institutional Approval signatures can be found at the following hyperlink: Institutional Approval Signatures

Description:SAHS Credit Hour LoadCEH CHLKinesiologyRadiology CHLRespiratory Care CHLComments
Lecture Course1CR: 1 CHL
New course with or without supporting material
(This adjustment in teaching load only applies the first time the course is taught)
1CR: 1 CHL + 0.5
eg. 3 cr - 3.5 CHL
(0.5 defined as 0.5 CHLs added to a 3 credit course)
Lecture course > 80 students1 CR: 1.9 CHL
eg 3 CR: 5.7 CHL
Team taught course1 cr: 1 CHL (% per faculty assignment)Two faculty splitting a three credit course equally = 1.5 per faculty
Multiple sections of the same lecture1 cr: 1 CHL for first section, 1:0.9, for each additional section
Course Coordinator0.5 CHLApplicable when more than two faculty teach the course, or a section of the course
Hybrid course1 cr: 1 CHL + 0.5(0.5 defined as 0.5 CHLs added to a 3 credit course)
Online course1 cr: 1 CHL + 0.5(0.5 defined as 0.5 CHLs added to a 3 credit course)
Lab course (2 contact-hour lab, 3 contact-hour lab)1:11:11:21:2Resp care: 1 CHL:+ 1 for wrap-up
Clinical course2 contact hours : 1 CHL2 contact hours: 1 CHL
Student Supervision0.75 CHL per student
Supervision of Independent Study (496/596)0.25 CHL/Student/SemesterIncludes directed research, readings, and conference(s)
Chair of graduate thesis, dissertation or project committee0.5 CHL/semester/student
Member of graduate thesis, dissertation or project committee0.25 CHL/semester/student
Other classesVariable CHLNegotiated with Chair
Scholarship1 CHL: 47 hours
1 peer reviewed pub = 6 CHL/year
Internship Supervision0.025-0.075 CHL/Student
Student Mentoring/advising1 CHL/semester0.035 CHL/student/semester1 CHL /semester1 CHL/semester
Mentoring new faculty0.5 CHL/semester
Committee Service1 CHL : 47 hours
Student Association Director0.5 CHL/semester
Clinical Education Coordinator2 - 4 CHL /semester
Graduate Program Coordinator10 mo. contract3 CHL / semesterN/AN/A
Program Director2 - 4 CHL/semester
Center DirectorNegotiated
Department Chair9 CHL/semester9 CHL/semester3 CHL/semester3 - 6 CHL/semesterNegotiated with SAHS director
Professional, Community, and Committee Service1 CHL: 47 Hours