Demi Sabados (’20) was in her second year at Boise State University working toward her Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Management when she connected with Summit Property Management, a Boise, Idaho-local company based in the Treasure Valley. Now, she owns the business.
“I started at the entering level, and I grew. Working from the bottom up, both in a real role and in the classroom, provided space to get a handle on the basics, like maintenance, management and relations. That background has been vital to my success,” she saidDemi Sabados
Boise State was a “household college” for Sabados from a young age, and while she was a student at Eagle High School in Eagle, Idaho, she became a part of the Boise State Sophomore Start Program. This concurrent enrollment option helped her earn enough college credits to step into Boise State at the second-year level.
Following in the footsteps of her parents’ work, Sabados believes business is universal, and said her degree highlighted this. Enrollment in the Honors College was pivotal to her career ambitions. While completing her degree, she met the team at Summit and started as a part-time assistant. Upon graduating, she moved on to the role of Senior Property Manager.
When Sabados was a new employee, the owner at the time trained her personally. Excelling in her position, she took on more responsibilities, working with clients in tenant relations, fine-tuning her eye for good properties, and chiming in on business decisions. Unbeknownst to her, her retirement-bound boss, who noticed her drive, was preparing her to take his place. Sabados said that being given the room to contribute helped her feel secure in her new role.
As the head of the company, her unrelenting spirit brought the business to new heights. Since she took the reins at Summit, revenue and her client base have swelled. For Sabados, it’s a positive sign: “We’re going in the right direction,” she said. With a new office in Boise and refreshed company branding, she is poised to continue in this direction.

Boise provides the perfect groundwork for new business owners and entrepreneurs like Sabados. The city’s strong network of Broncos helped her form connections in her field, and she said it’s a testament to the strength of the culture on campus. Boise State gave her the foundation to rise through the ranks in her career, and with it, Sabados is giving back to her community.
“A lot of these connections aren’t from here. Most of them are out-of-state, came here for college, loved it, loved the city and the community, and stayed “They’re making a career here, and a life. It speaks volumes to Boise State, and to the Treasure Valley,” she said.Demi Sabados
About the Author: Lily Tindle-Hardy

Lily Tindle-Hardy is a student communications specialist/writer within University Advancement. Lily is a junior studying English, and she recently transferred to Boise State after earning an associate of arts from Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Ore. She assists the UA Comms team with writing projects, including donor stories, and capturing the student’s “voice” in impact features.