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Student Activity Fee Hearing Schedule

Student Activity Fee Hearings

All departments receiving a student activity fee will give a presentation annually to the Student Activity Fee Advisory Board during a hearing session.  The presentation will provide an overview of how the fee allocation is used to enhance student engagement and/or student success at Boise State University. Auxiliaries receiving student fees may be invited to give an informational presentation to the Board, though it will not be required.

Requests for fee increases or new student activity fees will be considered each year and must demonstrate the impact on student engagement and/or student success.

Agendas for SAFAB hearing sessions are published in advance. Presentations to SAFAB are open to the public and provide an opportunity for student testimony. SAFAB may elect to hold closed sessions to deliberate and develop allocation recommendations.


This year’s hearings are in the process of being scheduled. Check back for more information.

Below are the details for last year’s activity fee hearings. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Location: Hatch Ballroom A/B, Student Union Building

Order of Fee Presentations and Testimony Lead Presenter

1) Blue Thunder Marching Band: Joe Tornello
2) Career Services: Debbie Kaylor
3) Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing: Darrin Pufall Purdy
4) Alumni Relations: Sydney Montgomery
5) Office of the Dean of Students: Lauren Oe
6) Student Media: Jenn Fields
7) SAEM Shared Business Services: Amy Jauregui
8) Student Equity: Ro Parker
9) Scholarships: Renee Rehder

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Location: Hatch Ballroom A/B, Student Union Building

Order of Fee Presentations and Testimony Lead Presenter

1) Student Communications and Marketing: Jason Bullock
2) International Student Services: Ruth Prince
3) Student Involvement and Leadership Center: Erin Mahn
4) Gender Equity Center: Adriane Bang

Giving Testimony

Each year, Boise State University Students have an opportunity to provide feedback about proposed changes to mandatory student fees for the next academic year. Students wishing to testify may sign up with Charlie Varland by emailing him at

Questions? Contact ASBSU via email at