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MA Biology

The Biology Department offers a Master of Arts in Biology which is a course-work based degree and is considered to be a terminal degree (except for students intending to attend professional school); students wishing to later pursue a Ph.D. should apply to the M.S. program. Students admitted to the MA Biology program will have a choice of culminating their degree by either an examination or project option.

Master of Arts in Biology – Examination Option

The M.A., Examination option is a coursework-based degree and is considered to be a terminal degree (except for students intending to attend professional school); students wishing to later pursue a Ph.D. should enroll in the M.S. program. The M.A. candidate will complete a wide range of relevant course work. At the end of the coursework, the candidate will be required to pass a comprehensive examination. The examination will be tailored by each candidate’s committee to emphasize the areas covered by the course work. After the candidate has completed the written portion of the examination, the candidate will meet with the committee for an oral review prior to the final approval or rejection of the written examination.

Master of Arts in Biology, Examination Option
Course Number and TitleCredits
BIOL 598 Graduate Seminar OR
    BIOL 561-567 “Advanced Topics in” courses
BIOL 579 Research in the Biological Sciences
(for two semesters)
Electives to be chosen in consultation with advisor and committee:Electives for the M.A. may include up to a combined total of 6 credits of workshop credits, practicum/internship credits, directed research credits. A combined total of 9 credits may include approved courses taken outside the biological sciences, workshops, practicum/internship, and directed research. Workshop, directed research, and practicum/internship credits are limited to a maximum of 3 credits each.28
BIOL 690 Master's Comprehensive Examination1

Master of Arts in Biology – Project Option

The M.A., Project Option is an application-based degree and is considered to be a terminal degree (except for students intending to attend professional school); students wishing to later pursue a Ph.D. should enroll in the M.S. program. In addition to completing substantial course work, the M.A. candidate will complete a project that may be an application or synthesis of original research carried out by others. Examples of such projects include the development of biology-based curriculum, compilation, and analysis of studies on a range of species, review and the synthesis of a body of ideas or data, and development of a resource management plan based on relevant studies. Upon completion of the project, the candidate will meet with the committee for an oral review and discussion about the project.

Master of Arts in Biology, Project Option
Course Number and TitleCredits
BIOL 598 Graduate Seminar OR
    BIOL 561-567 “Advanced Topics in” courses
BIOL 579 Research in the Biological Sciences(for two semesters)2
BIOL 591 Project.  Students will be expected to develop a written project proposal and give an oral presentation of their project upon completion.6
Electives to be chosen in consultation with advisor and committee:Electives for the M.A. may include up to a combined total of 6 credits of workshop credits, practicum/internship credits, directed research credits. A combined total of 9 credits may include approved courses taken outside the biological sciences, workshops, practicum/internship, and directed research. Workshop, directed research, and practicum/internship credits are limited to a maximum of 3 credits each.23

How to Apply