Contact Information for Faculty
Name/Website | Title | Research Interests | |
Allan Albig | Associate Professor | Molecular and cell biology, extracellular matrix, matricellular proteins and angiogenesis | allanalbig@boisestate.edu |
Jesse Barber | Professor | Sensory ecology, animal behavior and conservation biology. | jessebarber@boisestate.edu |
James R. Belthoff | Professor, Interim Director, Raptor Research Center | Behavioral ecology, animal behavior, and avian biology. | jbeltho@boisestate.edu |
Leonora Bittleston | Assistant Professor | Metagenomics, plant-microbe interactions, community ecology | leonorabittleston@boisestate.edu |
Sven Buerki | Associate Professor | Genomics, evolutionary plant biology, bioinformatics | svenbuerki@boisestate.edu |
Trevor Caughlin | Assistant Professor | Seed dispersal, ecological restoration and landowner decision-making | trevorcaughlin@boisestate.edu |
Jen Cruz | Assistant Professor | Population Ecology | jencruz@boisestate.edu |
Sarah Dalrymple | Clinical Associate Professor | Behavioral Ecology, Evolution | sarahdalrymple@boisestate.edu |
Marie-Anne de Graaff | Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator | Plant/Soil interactions in terrestrial ecosystems. | marie-annedegraaff@boisestate.edu |
Kevin P. Feris | Professor, Director of the School of the Environment | Microbial community ecology; bioremediation studies. | kevinferis@boisestate.edu |
Jennifer Forbey | Professor | Physiological, chemical and pharmacological ecologist | jenniferforbey@boisestate.edu |
Stephanie Galla | Assistant Professor | - | stephaniegalla@boisestate.edu |
Greg Hampikian | Professor, Director, Idaho Innocence Project | COVID-19, HIV, Wastewater Genetics, Forensic DNA, Cancer, Nullomers | greghampikian@boisestate.edu |
Eric Hayden | Department Chair, Associate Professor | RNA evolution, Molecules for use in biomedical and biotechnical fields | erichayden@boisestate.edu |
Julie A. Heath | Professor | Avian Biology and Conservation Ecology. | julieheath@boisestate.edu |
Cheryl L. Jorcyk | Professor | Molecular mechanisms of cancer progression. | cjorcyk@boisestate.edu |
Peter Koetsier | Professor | Aquatic ecology; emphasis in lotic macroinvertebrate community structure and ecology. | pkoet@boisestate.edu |
Emily Meredith | Clinical Associate Professor | Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology | emilymeredith@boisestate.edu |
Brad Morrison | Associate Professor | Neuroinflammation, Parkinson's disease and protein homeostasis | bradmorrison@boisestate.edu |
Stephen J. Novak | Professor | Plant evolutionary biology; population biology and genetics; genetics of introduced species, specifically Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass). | snovak@boisestate.edu |
Javier Ochoa-Reparaz | Assistant Professor | - | jochoareparaz@boisestate.edu |
Julia T. Oxford | Professor, Director, Biomolecular Research Center | Function of extracellular matrix molecules in craniofacial and skeletal development; cartilage regeneration and repair; eye development and vitreoretinopathies. | joxford@boisestate.edu |
Ian Robertson | Professor | Insect Behavior and Ecology; Plant-insect interactions, including pollination and seed predation. | iroberts@boisestate.edu. |
Troy T. Rohn | Professor | Cellular mechanisms of programmed cell death as it relates to Alzheimer’s Disease. | trohn@boisestate.edu |
Marcelo Serpe | Professor | Regulation of plant growth by environmental factors. | mserpe@boisestate.edu |
Allison Simler-Williamson | Assistant Professor | Plant Population Ecology, Disease Ecology, Plant-microbe interactions, and Statistical Methods | allisonsimlerwil@boisestate.edu |
James F. Smith | Professor, Director of the Snake River Plains Herbarium, and EEB PhD Graduate Program Coordinator | Plant molecular systematics, integration of molecular and morphological data in cladistic analyses, systematics of the Gesneriaceae, speciation. | jfsmith@boisestate.edu |
Juliette Tinker | Professor | Pathogenic microbiology, development of vaccines. | juliettetinker@boisestate.edu |
Merlin White | Professor | Mycology, molecular systematics of basal fungi, biodiversity and taxonomy of “gut fungi” (traditionally, the Class Trichomycetes, especially the order Harpellales), symbioses and particularly arthropod-associated fungi. | merlinwhite@boisestate.edu |
Denise Wingett | Professor, Director, Biomolecular Sciences Ph.D. Program | Immunology and inflammatory disease; nanomaterials and biological response; new drug development. | denisewingett@boisestate.edu |
Amy Ulappa | Clinical Associate Professor | Zoology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Mammalogy, Communications in the Biological Sciences, and Biometry | amyulappa@boisestate.edu |