Friday Schedule Update
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Student Involvement Outside the Classroom

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the incredible opportunity of meeting some of your students. Just yesterday I sat with two first year students in a campus courtyard as they shared their stories with a reporter. They were asked about their experiences in the classroom, outside the classroom, and in the residence halls. And they shared! I learned so much from them in that conversation. I learned that they are deeply appreciative of the safety and health protocols we’ve put in place. I learned that they are feeling more comfortable on campus each day. That they are meeting other students and forming communities. I was so thankful to hear about their positive experiences and wanted to share just a bit of it with you. 

We kicked off the fall semester with a variety of events designed to safely build community and a sense of belonging among students. Bronco Welcome, a week of connection and community-building, included small in-person activities, hybrid programs, and virtual events. The Student Involvement and Leadership Center hosted a tie-dying night, campus scavenger hunt, Boise River cleanup, and “Bronco In It to Win It” team relay activities, all done as low-density events with students required to wear facial coverings and to practice physical distancing. A virtual Involvement Fair followed in the second week of the semester, giving students a chance to explore more than 200 student organizations. They can also visit the Student Involvement and Leadership Center online or in-person. Staff are ready to help students find the opportunities for engagement that are right for them.

A unique year is underway and we’re committed to finding opportunities for your students to thrive and excel in the 155 hours a week they are outside the classroom! Thank you for partnering with us on supporting your students. We are grateful, as always, for you and your trust in us.

Leslie Webb, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management