Written by Nick Van Santen
Need professional experience?
Having “on-the-job” experience upon graduation is more important than ever, and Boise State’s Work U program is here to help your student get it. There are 50+ opportunities available for spring 2023 and applications are open now.
What is Work U?
Work U is a career development experience with a twist. In addition to gaining hands-on professional work experience, your student will be provided with a mentor, opportunities to clarify their career goals, and help leveraging this experience to launch their career. It’ll build their resume and their network — while gaining three upper-division credits. Here’s what you should know:
- Every opportunity is open to all majors, skill sets, and levels of experience
- Instead of applying to each organization, we will place your student into an opportunity of their preference that fits their career goals
- Your student will spend 10 hours a week with their Work U employer and have a 75-minute weekly class with a career advisor
- In-person, remote, and hybrid opportunities are available
A few examples of Work U opportunities for Spring 2023:
- Trailhead – marketing and graphic design
- Idaho Housing And Finance Association – homelessness programs
- Boise Metro Chamber – marketing and communications
- Blue Cross of Idaho – care coordinator
- Idaho Power – human resources
- See these and all the 50+ opportunities here!
Or you can “Create Your Own” opportunity.
If your student is already working or volunteering with an organization and can identify a professional mentor and additional responsibilities connected to their future career, have your student consider applying to the Create Your Own option to get the benefits of Work U.
Encourage your student to learn more and apply to Work U. If you have any questions, contact us at worku@boisestate.edu.