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Boise State MBAs Win a Bid to Change the World

Congratulations to TEAM STOCKDALE!! The winner of the first Hult Prize @ Boise State event and the future 2016 Hult Prize $1MM GLOBAL CHAMPIONS AND CHANGEMAKERS! Team Captain Haley Schaefer with teammates Connor Sheldon, Hannah Coad, and Taylor Reed.

The competition aims to create and launch compelling social business ideas—start-up enterprises that tackle grave issues faced by billions of people. This year’s challenge is to build a sustainable, scalable and fast-growing social enterprise that doubles the income of 10 million people residing in crowded urban spaces, by better connecting people goods, services and capital. Winners receive one million dollars in seed capital, as well as mentorship and advice from the international business community.

Follow Team Stockdale’s progress on RBI’s website as they move towards the final competition hosted in Shanghai in March 2016.