BSU Center for Advanced Energy Studies REU Application DUE TODAY!
Boise State’s Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) with and intellectual focus on Advanced Manufacturing for a Sustainable Energy Future is open for applications for the summer of 2023. This 10-week program enables 10 undergraduate students from Idaho’s institutions, and Universities from across the nation, to work alongside faculty from Boise State University, Idaho State University and the University of Idaho at the CAES headquarters located near the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Research Campus in Idaho Falls. Students will work on projects related to advanced manufacturing in collaboration with university faculty and scientists from INL. The selected research projects will leverage new capabilities in the CAES facility, including a state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope, a 3D metal printer, and a suite of instruments for advanced manufacturing of sensors and instrumentation for extreme environments.
During the summer research experience, students will have opportunities to share their work with an active research community and co-author publications and presentations based on their research findings.
Learn More About the Program and Application Here: REU Application
Future Net-Zero Innovators Student Symposium

Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho are hosting an in-person student symposium for undergraduate and graduate students from across the Mountain West who have an interest in carbon neutrality. The student symposium will take place March 29th-31st in Idaho Fall, Idaho at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES).
More information, agenda and registration information can be found here: Future Net-Zero Innovators Symposium
Upcoming Events
CAES Spring Meeting to be held Wednesday, March 29th, More Information To Be Announced
Estrada and Partners Aim to Advance the Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing
Earlier this year, the National Science Foundation invested over $30 million in 21 projects, involving 100 institutions in 20 states through its Future Manufacturing program. Aligned to national priorities outlined by the White House in the new U.S. National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing, this program aims to enable manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. The new Advanced Manufacturing strategy outlines goals and objectives to advance microelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing, biomanufacturing, smart manufacturing, and also to develop innovative materials and processes for manufacturing.
David Estrada, Boise State University associate professor of materials science and engineering, has partnered with the University of Washington, Eastern Washington University, the University of Pittsburgh and Micron Technology (Advisory Board) on a $500,000 seed grant under the Future Manufacturing program to explore the feasibility of integrating two-dimensional materials with DNA nanotechnology as a new approach to manufacturing computer memory, a critical component in modern computing and data storage. “One of the greatest challenges facing the information and communications technology ecosystem is the amount of energy required to process and store the tremendous amounts of data we produce,” Estrada said. “By some estimates, the worlds information and communications technology infrastructure will consume more energy than is produced by the global fleet of nuclear reactors.”
Full Article Here: Estrada and Partners
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