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4.7. «La Pierre qui pousse» / «The Growing Stone»


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HOWELLS, V. “Crossing the Cultural Divide: Camus and the Problem of Race in ‘La Pierre qui pousse’.” Forum for Modern Language Studies 34.4 (Oct. 1998): 353-65.

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MELLON, L.F. “An Archetypal Analysis of Albert Camus’s ‘La Pierre qui pousse:’ The Quest as Process of Individuation.” French Review 64.6 (1991): 934-44.

SHEAFFER-JONES, C. “Community and the empty place in Camus’s ‘La Pierre qui pousse.” Essays in French Literature 43 (July 2006): 195-215.

WALKER, D.H. “Albert Camus: ‘La Pierre qui pousse’.” Short French Fiction: Essays on the Short Story in France in the Twentieth Century. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998: 42-59.

WITT, M. “Camus und die Intertextualität. ‘Le Mythe de Sisype’ und ‘La Pierre qui pousse’.” Französisch heute 27 (1996): 29-35.