Dr. Sadegh has worked on a wide range of topics. In one line of research, he focused on water resource management and studied interactions between different stakeholders in a highly political and controversial water transfer project. He used Game theory and economic incentives to stimulate and ease negotiations between the donor and receiver basins’ shareholders. In another line of research, he focused on statistical modeling of hydrologic systems. His recent studies and publications include detecting watershed non-stationarity from process-based analysis of hydrological systems, modeling the flow duration curve as a simple and yet powerful characteristic of watershed’s streamflow variability, analyzing information content of drought prediction models, modeling the water-food-energy nexus for public educational purposes, and calibration of global land surface models. His recent research endeavors are centered on modeling the interactions of Water, Energy and Food (WEF) resources, and analyzing the impacts of food waste on the nexus of WEF as well as food security. Moreover, he is developing projects on analyzing the hydroclimate extreme events on human health and well-being.