We are excited to announce Julie Matarweh’s accomplishment for winning the 2022 IEEE/ PES Award! This award recognizes PES Student Members from around the world who have chosen an academic path leading to an electric power and energy engineering career. Recipients are chosen based on their academic achievements, contributions to meeting community and humanitarian needs, and leadership in advancing student engagement within PES.

Julie began her research with Professor Said in 2020, when she first came to the U.S. to study the contribution of renewable energy in microgrids, specifically the performance of seamless transitions between grid-connected and islanded mode grids. This research topic was chosen because it has a deep involvement with Julie’s main research interest in her career, renewable energy and power. Recognizing her achievements as a masters student in electrical engineering (power engineering), Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid submitted an application on Julie’s behalf. This award holds great significance for Julie as it not only represents a significant achievement but also a step towards financing her future research. Julie’s accomplishments will be celebrated at the prestigious annual PES meeting, where leading researchers in the power systems industry convene, taking place this summer in Denver, Colorado.
In the future, Martarweh would love to continue her research in microgrids and possibly pursue a PhD. Her goal is to establish a solid foundation for an innovative invention that can assist future generations with reliable power supply. Winning the IEEE/ PES award has been a source of inspiration Julie to initiate her own research on integrating solar power with power systems.

“I am very thankful for Boise State University for letting me be a part of their success and I will always be thankful for my advisor Dr. Said for believing in me and keeping pushing me to achieve the optimum.”
Here is a link to the award announcement: IEEE Power and Energy Society