Video Transcript – IDoTeach Overview
Video Transcript
[Matt Wigglesworth, Master Teacher, IDoTeach]: IDoTeach is a pre-service teaching program specifically for STEM majors.
[Laurie Cavey, Co-Director, IDoTeach, Mathematics Educator]: For anybody who’s thinking about teaching mathematics or science or engineering principles at the middle or high school level.
[Michele Carney, Co-Director, IDoTeach, College of Education]: It’s innovative in that kind of two things: one, it’s different than a lot of other programs because it requires students to have a full degree in their content area, but that it also provides certification to teach at the secondary level once they complete the program. It’s focused on students deeply understanding mathematics and science. So we’re no longer trying to say “I’m going to be kind of the teacher who’s the sage on the stage and I’m gonna stand up here and lecture to you.” Instead, we’re going to say no we’re going to prepare teachers to be the people that inspired us or the people that we wish we had that really made science or mathematics or whatever the topic is come alive.
[Matt Wigglesworth]: There are different programs offered through the College of Arts and Sciences and Engineering that allow those majors to pursue teaching if it’s the right fit for them.