The SLIM Group had some really big successes in 2022. It was great to have lab meetings in person again. Our lab has become a busy place!

- Josue and Catherine’s SigDial paper Symbol and Communicative Grounding through Object Permanence with a Mobile Robot was published and Josue gave an awesome presentation in Edinburgh. That paper really sets the groundwork for some important capabilities our robots are going to need to learn language going forward.
- Dr. K and Osama published a paper The Symbol Grounding Problem Re-framed as Concreteness-Abstractness Learned through Spoken Interaction at the SemDial conference. If you’re at all interested in symbol grounding or multimodal processing, check it out!
- Dr K published a position paper at the Ro-MAN conference on Theory of Mind.
- Ryan successfully defended his master’s thesis proposal!
- Osama successfully defended his master’s thesis proposal!
- Clayton successfully defended his PhD comprehensive exam!
- Enoch successfully defended his master’s project! Incremental RASA lives as part of reitco!
- Drew worked on collecting more robot emotion data.
- Catherine continued work on the multiplex project and made some important progress.
- Dr. K gave some talks to the PhD in Computing students, CLASP group in Gothenburg, Sweden, the AI Impulse Series at Saarland University, Germany, and the DSG in Potsdam, Germany.
- Dr. K self-published a science fiction series on a topic related to the work done in SLIM.
- Oh, and Dr. K was promoted to Associate Professor and earned tenure at Boise State University.
Finally, Adam Torek, a Boise State CS student made a documentary of the SLIM Group for a class project. He has graciously allowed the SLIM post it for anyone to see: